
constant escape

winter withered, warm
I tend to think of some kind of Nietzschean parallel-computing cosmos, wherein the state-of-being that you currently occupy is the iteration that hasn't died yet, so you could very well be going on forever. That said, I don't know much about parallel computing or Nietzsche's eternal return.

But I think the impact of a reality shift can effectively steer you into different timelines. Seeing as most people's realities rarely if ever shift, its as if their timeline is more or less determined, once their reality stabilizes/ossifies, that is.


Well-known member
another popularisation of the idea is the 'Mandela Effect' which fits in beautifully with K-Punks stuff about capitalism ret-conning its own history

constant escape

winter withered, warm
If you can willfully inform and steer your reality, it would make one a veritable god.

I was just thinking about this yesterday. In order to appear to Alice as a god, you just need to know 1) her known known, 2) her known unknown, 3) some of her unknown unknown, and 4) some of her unknown known.

So the territory of the descriptor-known, the territory and fringe of the familiar, is a sort of donut-sphere, hollow at the center, which would be the unknown known, the unconscious. At the fringe of the outer cortex would be the known unknown, where you have a sense of what it is you should be getting to know, and beyond that fringe is the unknown unknown.

So registering as a god is an entirely relative matter. Any entity that registers to you as a god is merely a sufficient measure higher than you in terms of something like intelligence, maybe something to do with physical complexity.

Total pseudoscience, but I think bootstrapping oneself up this scale might have something to do with willfully guiding neuronal pathways, or somehow getting in touch with the operating system from which consciousness emerges. A sort of bootloader OS.


Well-known member
I tend to think of some kind of Nietzschean parallel-computing cosmos, wherein the state-of-being that you currently occupy is the iteration that hasn't died yet, so you could very well be going on forever. That said, I don't know much about parallel computing or Nietzsche's eternal return.

But I think the impact of a reality shift can effectively steer you into different timelines. Seeing as most people's realities rarely if ever shift, its as if their timeline is more or less determined, once their reality stabilizes/ossifies, that is.

i often think this too. we are alike in some ways but you know more long words.


The Factory=Society becomes The Internet=soceity (and underlying both the economy=society) and secession (waldenponding 🤢🤮 )is unthinkable. there can be no outside no opting out.

"Exit, Voice, or Loyalty: choose your path, Modern Man"


everyone i know thinks it is there personal fault that we ended up in this apocolypse plague timeline and of course they are all right or they wouldn[t be here. every single one of us fucked up.

not me I was born like yesterday
In light of compulsive and coercive communication and conformism, idiotism represents a practice of freedom…. The idiot is a modern day heretic. Etymologically, heresy means ‘choice’. Thus, the heretic is one commands free choice: the courage to deviate from orthodoxy. As a heretic, the the idiot represents a figure of resistance opposing the violence of consensus. The idiot preserves the magic of the outsider. Today… it is more urgent than ever to heighten heretical consciousness

Idiotism discloses a field of immanence of events and singularities.” (81) Where intelligent people weigh up the evident facts and reasons, the idiot’s thought is addressed to an outside.