Songs that make you yearn to play keyboard


Well-known member
very interesting reading about the early whitehouse gigs in 'as loud as possible' and how inspiring they were. also good gossip on the fallout between phillip best and them, cos he couldn't stop doing other projects.

best is an interesting fella right? formed 1st band at 14, did all that noise he's famous for, then 'dropped out' to do a PhD on burroughs/pynchon/ballard, and has now set up 'amphetamine sulphate' press, with commitment to no amazon ever and is shrwedly getting all these noise weirdos to write up little books.

i got invited to a gig he played in manchester a few years ago but declined cos i was sick of the grotty venue and couldn't bear another night in there. by all accounts it was incredible, although not for everyone, cos it's tops off and he's a bit portly


There are worse rotund nipple-tweaking performers out there, for sure.

He used to quit Whitehouse on a quarterly basis in the late '90s. I recently watched the '70s UK horror movie "Death Line" and Donald Pleasance's cop character reminded me of latter day Best a bit.

@nilprenia, sorry about this.