
With hindsight, that period where I was able to go round the house of my friend whose parents didn't give a fuck what he watched, and see, in fairly quick succession (and in this order if I remember correctly) Trading Places, Commando, Robocop and probably some others.... not to mention leafing through his dad's old pornographic magazines... it was a more important developmental phase than I understood at the time.
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vershy versh

Well-known member
You're gonna hate The Big Chill. It's kind of fascinating though, the ultimate Boomer movie. I can't believe you've never seen The Thing.


We're watching Red Heat on telly right now - perfect timing cos it's 80s and it's Arnie - and Bunnyhausen used a still for the image on her latest radio show.

vershy versh

Well-known member


cat malogen
Was coercively controlled into watching Witness over the weekend. She’d beat me and make me sleep in the airing cupboard for a month if I didn’t, so....

Harrison Ford as John Book, one of the Germans from Die Hard turns up as an Amish farmer, L Haas is the kid who witnesses the murder, K McGillis is his mum who falls for Book and Danny Glover is a corrupt cop. Massive synth soundtrack too, big harmonies that somehow suits the farming landscapes and lifestyles (even if on paper it seems incongruous, it works pretty well).

It has a scene that’s pure 80’s. A group of tools stops the Amish horses/carriages. They goad them, smear ice cream on the guy from Die Hard, there’s a trucker cap (die). Then Book who’s hiding out within this community, smashes fuck out of all their top boys.

A strange one. Philadelphia’s train station where the film starts, looks like a cathedral. Better than I remembered, 80’s scaffolding over western cowboy motifs.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I also like how they don't try and be cute. They want a tough cool sounding name for the hero, so they call him 'Snake.'
And leather jacket, motorbikes from the 50s
You live in Carlton you twat
You’re not Snake fucking Plissken
