
Well-known member
4 sons for my sins, making up for the depopulation issues others contest they’re experiencing

Keep trying like my dad and stepmom did, have 1 more son and you will finally be blessed with a daughter next.
(not saying you did that)
(I always thought it was kind of fucked up to keep popping out kids until you get a daughter or son... then again these people do things that don't seem rational or logical to me like baptizing children before they can even speak or know what's happening with the thinking being if they accidentally die then they won't go to hell)


cat malogen
Keep trying like my dad and stepmom did, have 1 more son and you will finally be blessed with a daughter next.
(not saying you did that)
(I always thought it was kind of fucked up to keep popping out kids until you get a daughter or son... then again these people do things that don't seem rational or logical to me like baptizing children before they can even speak or know what's happening with the thinking being if they accidentally die then they won't go to hell)

don’t think I could handle a daughter being honest, our nieces can be proper evil enough as is - conspiracies galore

know what you mean though, people will admit as much and express it so even after ultrasounds

ultimate act of both love and hubris, procreation, tearing a soul into existence and people are still having sex, maybe microplastics will finally stem the jizz 🤷


don’t think I could handle a daughter being honest, our nieces can be proper evil enough as is - conspiracies galore

know what you mean though, people will admit as much and express it so even after ultrasounds

ultimate act of both love and hubris, procreation, tearing a soul into existence and people are still having sex, maybe microplastics will finally stem the jizz 🤷
Durex missed out on a slogan there.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member

My brother recently got a copy of this. He's gotten into foraging and growing them at home in the last year or two and was dipping and cooking these ones in chocolate and orange juice a while back:

Him and my dad are into those boxes you can get online where you cut a hole in the side and they grow out of it. My dad had an Oyster box and I think his latest one's Lion's mane.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member

I always wondered what was going on with these fellas

The story on the worm brain linked in there's interesting too.

-- Artificial intelligence researchers are developing a digital version of a worm brain that can be uploaded into a LEGO robot and reproduce the creature's thoughts and actions. The OpenWorm project is dedicated to creating the world's first digital organism by mapping the mind - or connectome - of a Caernorhabditis (C.Elegans) worm.



The story on the worm brain linked in there's interesting too.

-- Artificial intelligence researchers are developing a digital version of a worm brain that can be uploaded into a LEGO robot and reproduce the creature's thoughts and actions. The OpenWorm project is dedicated to creating the world's first digital organism by mapping the mind - or connectome - of a Caernorhabditis (C.Elegans) worm.

Expecting the connectome to produce thoughts is like sewing a glove and expecting to find a hand inside.


You should be able to make a plantmobile by connecting electrodes to some leaves and getting the thing to move depending on differences between leaf states; the plant should learn how to move the car to get more light.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
In important mushroom news, I've just joined r/mycology and there's an Irish guy posting on it using a half-drunk pint of Guinness as a visual aid for scale.

