
Well-known member
(btw Ive tried the crows a few times and I am incapable of drawing feathers in any kind of satisfactory way. still very much in the r and d phase)


Well-known member
did any of you ever get a rave tattoo? was that a british thing?
they do exist in Poland on a very large scale.
there is this gabba party with a tribal logo that they use as a stamp on the doors.
kids started getting it tattooed and eventually it became the door policy that if you have a tattoo - you get in for free.


Well-known member
Met a stranger on a train
Called Leo
He bumped right into me
I swear I didn't mean it
I swear it wasn't meant to be
Must a been a dream
From a thousand years ago
I swear I didn't mean it
I swear it wasn't meant to be
From the bottom of my heart
He was looking all over me
Together ever after
He said
"You take me & I'll be you"
"You kill him & I'll kill her"
Kiss me
I swear it wasn't meant to be
I swear I didn't mean it

- Shadow of a Doubt, Sonic Youth, 1989


Well-known member
Not everyone has the capacity to improve with practice, but some people do and Limburger is clearly one of them. It's magical when you see it. A total no hoper can become a champ if they put the hours in.


Well-known member
I've always been very very talented everything comes easy to me but I've got a couple of right thick mates that set themselves to writing poetry and miraculously became good at it. There's something really special about that I think


Well-known member
I'm glad he's making some money off it I'm well impressed. That's the test. You can talk all you want but make some cash nuff respect.
I was talking to him recently about how great money is we both agree


Not everyone has the capacity to improve with practice, but some people do and Limburger is clearly one of them. It's magical when you see it. A total no hoper can become a champ if they put the hours in.
It's cuz he spends three hours every single day drawing skeletons

His girlfriend told me that he read Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule and decided he wanted to be the world champion of drawing skeletons

If he keeps at his current pace he'll get there by age 37


@linebaugh, if you were to do a tattoo for me, one that captured my personality and summarised the whole sorry thing in a few lines - what would you do? I'm seriously debating whether it's time to just give in and join the rest of the world... but I need a really good idea to tip me over the edge and actually do it, what should I go for? Cos for a first tattoo I feel it should be really carefully chosen. If I had 20 then the 21st might be something I chose quickly from a book I'd just enjoyed or whatever, but to actually break my duck and be the thing that makes cross-over to the inked side it would have to be something special... in some way at least. Something of special significance to me or my life, or perhaps special merely by dint of being extremely high-quality and unique... I dunno, I just feel that one's first tattoo should be in some sense the most important... does that make sense or am I over-thinking it?