Benny Bunter
Well-known member
I got a bilingual edition, so most of the more extreme-verging-on-daft composite word translation choices (by Pierre Joris) are validated when you see the German alongside the English.
is this the copy of the celan book you have? if so could you check for me if it mentions who made the cover art? i can't figure out the scribble on the bottom.Pierre Joris/Jeremy Rothenberg are total heroes aren't they? As are all skilled dedicated translators imo, but these two have done so much and have cast the net so wide. Ended up ordering that late Celan collection even though it was quite expensive cause I trust Joris to have done a good job, and he's a good commentator/critic too, so I know the intro essay and the notes will be well worth reading.
Read some interviews with Joris where he says his approach is to go for the most literal translations possible and to hell with smoother the more target audience-orientated approach, and I think this works very well with modern Avant Garde poetry that's as mad as fuck in the original language anyway. He's got no qualms about making difficult stuff even more difficult, and I admire that. Poetry in translation is mind-expanding like nothing else if done well. Like with that Tamuzzi Poets gear I read the other day, love that stuff and I'm hardly gonna learn Arabic am I?
Sorry to bash on about it @woops but that conversation has got me thinking is all.
Yeah, that's the one. The art's by his wife, Gisèle this the copy of the celan book you have? if so could you check for me if it mentions who made the cover art? i can't figure out the scribble on the bottom.
thanks! i hadn't heard of her. i'm reading now that some of her etchings and drawings served as inspiration for celan's poems. does the book contain more of her illustrations? i like this kinda stuff a lot. could you imagine them to be inspirations for the poems?Yeah, that's the one. The art's by his wife, Gisèle Lestrange.
thanks! i hadn't heard of her. i'm reading now that some of her etchings and drawings served as inspiration for celan's poems. does the book contain more of her illustrations? i like this kinda stuff a lot. could you imagine them to be inspirations for the poems?
Can you post some of the things you've found most mind expanding?Poetry in translation is mind-expanding like nothing else if done well.
Can you post some of the things you've found most mind expanding?