
pass the sick bucket
I already know that one and if I thought it were as poignant I wouldn't have challenged the jungle music to match its poignancy.

explain to us what is so poignant about it? To me it just sounds like bog standard bog cleaning bog brush eurohouse.

and Maria Nayler's whispering breathy vocals with the undisciplined melisma just give off the absolute very wrong vibe, if you get my drift. So wrong even the dudes recoil in horror.


explain to us what is so poignant about it? To me it just sounds like bog standard bog cleaning bog brush eurohouse.

and Maria Nayler's whispering breathy vocals with the undisciplined melisma just give off the absolute very wrong vibe, if you get my drift. So wrong even the dudes recoil in horror.
By poignant I mean pricking. Poignant comes from the French poindre, which means to prick.

I'm still waiting for you to prick me properly.