kid charlemagne

Well-known member
listening to slowdive first time. not sure how on board i am with them. but this album is weirdly hypnotic. not entirely my type of music. but its pleasant in a haunting way.


total load of shit lol africans are the worst at music
try this right now

Translation types​

Text translation​

You are
Sweet thing
You have to wink and laugh, stiff and provocative, your hair
Fly your poems
All that shavk said by shaking the earth shake
All right, all right
Khwaja's detail is impossible to be local
Air fetish fetish
First thing you know, a lot of people run away and go bankrupt
Air fetish fetish
Corbage and the white-bellied Valhalla bird
The medicine of mudslinging and mudslinging
Name heard
The hard-to-get-to-get-to-get-to-get-to-get-to -
Yanhari is a scientist, you're a min girl
Janhari treated the sweetness of frozen years
Tenderness and naughtiness caught by the two
The world is with me and with me
No, you're seriously looking
I was the salvation of my Stallions
And you asked me to

Source text​

الكلمات :

امورة حلوة
عليكى غمزة وضحكة جامدة ومستفزة شعرك
بيطير قصادك
كل اللى شافك قال بتهز الارض هزه
عللى عالكل عللى
تفصيل خواجة مستحيل ده يكون محلى
ولع الجو ولع
اول ما تطلع ناس كتير تهرب تفلسع
ولع الجو ولع
كورباج وطاير فالهوا بيضؤب يلسوع
طب دلع بشويش ودلع
الاسم سمع
دى سكة اللى يروحها صعب بجد يرجع
يانهارى عالطعامة انتى بنت مين
يانهارى عالحلاوة جمدان السنين
الرقة والشقاوة ظبطاهم الاتنين
الدنيا معاكى والعة
لا ده انتى بجد طالعة
انا كنت خلاص فحالى
وانتى طلعتيلى منين

kid charlemagne

Well-known member

Dance if you wanna dance
Please brother take a chance
You know they're gonna go
Which way they wanna go
All we know is that we don't know
How it's gonna be
Please brother let it be
Life on the other hand won't make us understand
We're all part of the masterplan