"Asher, however, is not part of a typical influencer collective. He is one of many members of a 29-person “system,” all of whom share a single body, brain, and life. Each person, or “alter,” in the system is a distinct form of consciousness. This group of identities live together in the body of a 31-year-old man diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder...
Asher, who calls himself “the best alter,” acts as the “emotional protector” of The A System. Aged 22, he is what the community calls “frozen,” in that he does not age in the same way his body does. Other members of the system include Alex, the deep-voiced fan favorite, 32; April, a Starbucks-loving female alter who often controls the body during showers, 20; and Art, a young woman obsessed with succulent plants and Pokémon, 18."