Benny Bunter

Well-known member
We still have to wear masks on public transport or when you go the doctors/hospital, nowhere else, it makes no sense whatsoever. Still see a fair few people wearing them in the street too, especially old people. The weirdest is when you see someone alone driving in their car wearing one which I still see quite a lot. All very worrying.


Well-known member
yeah, still required in doctors offices and hospitals here, but that makes some sense since those locations are concentrated with sick people and/or those with compromised immune systems.

those are the only places where it's mandatory.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Hospitals and doctors offices always have been concentrated with sick people, but fair enough. What I find more worrying is the psychological effect it's had on so many people, to the point where they're still wearing masks in the street, walking in the park or even in their cars, often alone. Not everyone of course,most people don't give a shit anymore, but quite a lot.

Do you see this much in The UK or the US? I think here in Spain where we had one of the strictest/longest lockdowns of anywhere it's really got to people. I get the impression that the mask thing for public transport is permanent now, there's no sign they're ever going to lift it. Which is bollocks.


Well-known member
In the UK ( well, Manchester ) no one is wearing masks except "overseas students" ( a polite way of saying "far eastern, i.e., Chinese )

on a recent visit to Germany no one was wearing masks on the flight, on the street or in shops, yet it was mandatory on trams and trains


Well-known member
Hospitals and doctors offices always have been concentrated with sick people, but fair enough. What I find more worrying is the psychological effect it's had on so many people, to the point where they're still wearing masks in the street, walking in the park or even in their cars, often alone. Do you see this much in The UK or the US? I think here in Spain where we had one of the strictest/longest lockdowns of anywhere it's really got to people. I get the impression that the mask thing for public transport is permanent now, there's no sign they're ever going to lift it. Which is bollocks.
probably about one in ten people wearing masks on the subway, something like roundabout that number anyway. there's various demographics who seem to do that more than others. see quite a few people wearing them on the street still, not loads but it's a daily occurance. i was in microscope gallery in chelsea today and the person who runs it was wearing a proper N95 one. so yeah masks are still a thing.

but then everyone wore masks here from march 2020 to about march 2021 on literally any occaision you were outside the house, so while you were walking about, even while i was running, even people riding bikes, it was totally comprehensive and everyone more or less adhered to it. and then it's only really in march 2022 that you could stop wearing a mask on the subway.

actually weirdly the other day i went into bluestockings which is an old school leftie/anarchist bookshop and they asked me to put a mask on, that was weird

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
A couple of summers ago I went to the beach and remember seeing an entire family, parents and a couple of kids, all wearing masks while frolicking in the water, hardly anyone else around, Wtaf?


cat malogen
Haven’t seen too many masks unless doing clinics or conferences

People react in different ways to stress and mixed information wells, it’s easy to judge but saw a bloke in his car alone with a mask on at traffic lights earlier at thought mate your air con prob has more effective particle filters

Screening new Chinese arrivals is farcical politicking, screen for variants of course but genie’s truly out the bottle now


Well-known member
selfish of me, but Wuhan fucked up my 2020 trip to Taiwan / Japan ( managed to claw back most of the money I'd spent on bookings ), and now I've shelved out for plane tickets to Tokyo and Taiwan for later this year I am fuming that the CCP are going to fuck it up for me again

supposedly 900 million plus cases in China at the moment, I just know that Japan & Taiwan are going to make it hard to make it through border control without proof of vaccination and, well I never really got it together to get more than one jab, etc.,


cat malogen
selfish of me, but Wuhan fucked up my 2020 trip to Taiwan / Japan ( managed to claw back most of the money I'd spent on bookings ), and now I've shelved out for plane tickets to Tokyo and Taiwan for later this year I am fuming that the CCP are going to fuck it up for me again

Pour a rum!


Well-known member
last time I was inTaiwan I had to ask "what are those red stains on the pavement?"

turns out it was because of the "Night Owl" cafes, where scantily clad young ladies were selling pre-prepared betel nut wraps

unfortunately I couldn't sample their wares because I would have offended my hosts, but... oh well...maybe I can sneak a chew this year?
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Well-known member
he did this long post about wanking on covid and how the sensaiosn were enchanced despite the inability to taste or smell


Well-known member
he suggested that the denuded sense of taste adnd smell were compensated for in enhanced wanking senses