
Wild Horses
Luka, your poetry is too obtuse. Please try and come up with something chantable.

Cramer, your articles are too long. Please try the ”10 things you didn't know about ..." format. Later, we can start "You're mind will be BLOWN BY 1O THINGS ..." but baby steps, eh.

I'll see you right lads. This time next year we'll be millionaires.


Well-known member


Teen Queen, cheerleader, breath smelling like strawberry hubba bubba
She's wearing
Lavender ankle warmers, Reebok hi-tops, vertical stripe leggings, teal vest top over sports bra, and if she winked at you you'd be ready for
Choppers over sweating green jungle
Churns the torrid air
Teenagers still drink Coca-Cola
This war ain't over yet.

Posted by heronbone at 7:34 AM No comments:


Well-known member
This one?

I don't think my own libidinal desires are really much of a cause for interrogation. I hate to have to get all Mr Tea about this, but would it not be more worthwhile to consider the libidinal desires of all those men - and, if you want to start talking about biological drives, it is worth noting that it is mostly men - of the left whose sheer arrogance and meglomania has led them to believe that they are intelligent enough, important enough and deserving enough to be ruminating upon and diagnosing programs for the revolutionary upheaval and overturn of the whole of society? I may once have been envious of not holding the intellectual capacity to write a book on the history of Glasgow's municipal housing schemes, but at least I've never desired power far in excess of that which is legitimately attained by, and granted to, business leaders, politicians and royalty.


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@RWY is a big fibber, though, because everyone loves an excuse to "get all Mr Tea" about things.

They just need to admit it to themselves.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
This one?
No, it was a description of a talk by Hatherley and maybe some of his acolytes about how wonderful everything was going to be in the glorious socialist future, and he was stood at the back with a mate who'd actually grown up in the USSR, and had personally experienced this utopia at first hand, and who was just sort of quietly smirking to himself.