
i know i go on about this all the time but the visual language has changed so much. maybe its always been like that. but the extent to which it's about deliberately modified bodies rather than clothes is surely a departure. the swollen muscles. swollen lips. massive arses.

the woman i saw earlier (i was careful not to gawp at her like a grockle) reminded me of a particular african mask - i can't find the exact design but that artform is often cited as an example of how ideals of beauty can be culturally determined


i know i go on about this all the time but the visual language has changed so much. maybe its always been like that. but the extent to which it's about deliberately modified bodies rather than clothes is surely a departure. the swollen muscles. swollen lips. massive arses.
hard to know how much it's a new aesthetic and how much it's a cult of false beauty consciousness germinated by beauticians and cosmetic surgeons...
i can imagine that once you've started the work you get locked in,

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
a cult of false beauty consciousness germinated by beauticians and cosmetic surgeons...

It's a lucrative business, there's plenty of room for expansion, and social media's a great tool for distributing insecurities. They've got it made.


Well-known member
hard to know how much it's a new aesthetic and how much it's a cult of false beauty consciousness germinated by beauticians and cosmetic surgeons...
i can imagine that once you've started the work you get locked in,
it's a mixture of all of it isn't it. happening and changing so fast that analysis can't get a handle on it.


Well-known member
You could posit some CCRU-esque hyperstition about the surgery being fueled by the silicone's desire to get inside the human body. The same for ever-shrinking devices. It all seems to be heading toward a synthesis.
obviously its ridiculous to say that silicone wants to do anything in particular. but at the same itme the invention of the technology and the possibility of changes faces like this does create a desiring machine of some kind. the assemblage of silicon, surgeon, patient, phone cameras, insta.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
If you were particularly unscrupulous you could probably manufacture a market more or less overnight by recruiting a few celebrities and influencers, having them undergo whatever procedure you were trying to push then astroturfing social media to promote their posts, maybe paying a few news sites to do articles on 'the new trend'.


Well-known member
If you were particularly unscrupulous you could probably manufacture a market more or less overnight by recruiting a few celebrities and influencers, having them undergo whatever procedure you were trying to push then astroturfing social media to promote their posts, maybe paying a few news sites to do articles on 'the new trend'.
like what sha ek and the lads did to @Corpsey


Dunno if it exactly belongs here but my friend works in making weird monsters and prosthetics for films (I said more about her in the events section advertising my short film night) and she was telling us about one of her colleagues who has had a chip - as in chip and pin - put under the skin of his hand with the aim of bring able to make payments with his hand.

The story gets weird however cos apparently once he was near some piece of electrical equipment and he said it was causing a strange of feeling of wrongness in his hand. Later on the thing malfunctioned and I think it even gave someone a shock, so they are now claiming that he has gained an extra sense which allows him to feel how well electrical items are functioning.


Well-known member
was surprised to see that the lip filler etc trend has made it to jordan, a fair few people seemed to have had that done. i don't know anything about jordanian culture or anything like that, but i had naively assumed it hadn't made it to the arab world. didn't see any in morocco when i was there recently though. probably they look to france a bit more.