Googie (and related style and design)


Well-known member

I am guessing they are copies ( or even originals! ) of the “Peter Ghyczy Garten Egg Chair”

Unfortunately the originals are expensive ( around a minimum of 1700 euros ), otherwise I would own at least one

As featured on the thumbnail of this mix of DDR “rare groove”

Amiga A Go Go


edit: I can’t comment on the comfort level as the stern looking bored lady who collected the entrance fee explicitly told us “do not touch”


Well-known member
While I am spamming the forum with my holiday pics here’s one that may have been destined for the moribund “fountains” thread but which perhaps belongs here instead

Dresden: space age bachelor pad things in a water setting ( excuse the wonky angle but I was trying to edit out the “unhoused” people in real time )



Well-known member
top travel tip: always have your boarding pass printed out - your mobile phone can not be rubber stamped - i've just survived a near riot at a German airport where the scanning machines failed and old ladies were screaming "I just want to go home!" after being repelled by airport staff while trying to duck under the poxy tape separating us from the plane and Scouse girls' spider leg eyelashes were falling off from their 90% alcohol infused tears and airport staff were about to be "banged out" by steroid abusing manc lads...a sorry show consisting of mayhem, chaos, and a damming indictment of Deustche "efficancy" ( maybe misspelled )

but I have returned home safe and sound and feel I need to post some of my DDR holiday pics




The 'museum of books and writing' in Leipzig is currently hosting a temporary exhibition of Austrian literature ( to be honest I thought Peter Handke was German, one of the few authors who have almost made me cry ( I may possess 'empathy' after all ) but turns out he is Austrian which was a surprise to me ) and which for some reason featured these chairs as part of the exhibit....

...and I am pleased to announce that i can actually give a "comfort report"

these are amazing, I want one, so comfortable, ten out of ten., me and my companion spent far longer in this exhibition than we intended or expected due to the severe comfort levels of these chairs... we were just lounging about exclaiming to each other that we never wanted to leave the chair, ever...

these are 'literally' chairs you could lose yourself in

edit: i have to admit that hunger got the better of us, otherwise i would be slowly dying within the confines of one of these chairs, so comfy


Binary & Tweed
An architecture style that fascinates me. Perhaps because, as far as I know, examples outside of the US are few and far between (off the top of my head can't think of one such building in the UK). And, again as far as I know, there haven't been any revivals or neo-googie or anything like that. And also, like everyone else I guess, I dig Deco and Internaional Moderne styles... so of course the trashy plastic low version of it is bound to appeal to me.

The name is probably not that well known - but as soon as you see one thing you will instantly know exactly what I'm on about. A style most associated with diners - made of both curved and jagged shapes, boomerangs and representations of the atom are common themes.

I think googie was someone's nickname and they owned or at least gave their name to a restaurant in the atomic age style - and ultimately they gave their name to the style itself



So yeah, it was perfect for diners, bowling alleys and drive-in cinemas. Big and flashy so you could see it from the road in the age of the motor-car.

But not just teenage hang-outs - Theme Building LAX


Chemosphere private residence in LA (and Lautner did another one similar to this - think it was a solution to the plot of land that was sold for next to nothing cos they thought it wouldn't be possible to build on)


In fact, I think the look I like is maybe not so much googie buildings, but the interior and the plastic fashion that (I imagine) goes along with it, though I don't know if that is even technically called googie. As a rule, I think dressing like someone from a past age is kinda silly - sure one can maybe use elements of various styles from the past but (as I've no doubt said before) dressing completely in period costume as a rockabilly or teddy boy or something just doesn't make sense to me. But, that said, when you see pictures of people in space age style then I can imagine someone wearing it today - probably cos it's so ridiculous that I don't think anyone ever really wore it (did they?) and thus if one were to wear it, it could still be seen as a new style.

Pierre Cardin was associated with the look I suppose


And speaking of Cardin he had that famous and ridiculous house


Who wouldn't want to live in that place or the chemosphere house above and sink into this chair


Mix up some cocktails in your shaker thing while listening to quadrophonic space age sounds on this record player (they have one of these for sale in a record shop in Lisbon - it's not that expensive, but it is a bit knackered).


Or maybe this one


What music though?

This feels right to me but it's just a guess really

I've got this record somewhere (but it's mainly spoken word)

The plastic fashion is perfect for weird sunglasses

Renard Space Age sunglasses


Renard Space Age sunglasses


And of course there is one famous town built entirely in the googie style

The Jetsons

So... show me some more cool buildings, especially in the UK or Europe... or Africa. Not in LA basically. Tell me what the men wore, space age fashion always seems to be for girls. Teach me more about music. Show me furniture and accessories and explain to me why it went away and never came back.
I'm making a new sticker for my business, and I'm unsure if I should add a QR code or url, or just keep it simple.

Luckily, because 'clinamenic' is such a weird term, the search engine optimization is pretty good for me. Pretty sure when people just search 'clinamenic' my website pops up.

So this what the current draft would look like, as a sticker (around this size too).

Clinamenic Googie Medium.png


Note to self: do not count Luke or woops among my Total Addressable Market (TAM).

Don't listen to the haters, they've never done anything except a complete novel and loads of poetry (the lowest form of art), they'd rather cast insults from the sidelines than risk actually putting their balls on the line and doing something they can't ironically disavow. And anyway it looks much more like the pork skewers you get in Portuguese restaurants.