The Diagnosis


Cat Malogen
corrupt narcissistic cultures, hubristic, no empathy, tethered to capitalism, unable to fully grasp negations of agency among fellow humans, systems designed to crush human dignity and amplify shame/guilt, sexuality neurotic and hypocritical about the diversity of human experience

greedy, short-sighted, in denial of death (ageing population), unable to meditate on the divine, unable to engage with I and thou, unable to reduce money worship, total desecration of the planet, pro-life but unlikely to adopt, independent schools

no long term planning beyond profiteering parasitic weevil world


Well-known member
Easy for me to say but

You have to try and maintain a positive spirit in these times. It is easy to see the surroundings and thing yes i am fucked, a lot harder to think no fuck you let's go

I mean fuck the world is really plotting against you as a figurative concept but are you going to let it

What's the song
There is a way, no matter what they say


Well-known member
Just woke up from a stress dream. I'm usually a cool customer. Worst part of these things is there's no use for them. I understand corpsey in this moment