Sonic Boom/Panda Bear new album release playback thingummy Friday 29th July at Cosmos




Join us this Fri 29th July to celebrate the release & first public playback of our New PANDA BEAR & SONIC BOOM RESET LP A fundraising benefit for COSMOS c.a.c. CAMPO LIDE 7 euros - Members 10 euros inc. Membership for Non Members RECORD SELECTORS - PANDA BEAR SONIC BOOM LIZATRON IDLE RICH RICARDO GRUSSL PLUS FIRST PLAYBACK of RESET LP RE-connect*. RE-think*. RE-focus*. RESET @2020sonicboom2020 @pandabearofficial @anmlcollective @filhounicolisboa @cosmos.cac
@liza___tron @ricardo.grussl @_idle_rich_


Pete always has weird ideas. He decided that instead of dj-img in the conventional sense the warm-up djs had to select an album and play that all the way through. I had thought he was joking when he said that but it turns out he wasn't.

So this was my selection


Anyhow, this Panda Bear fella seems to be a really lovely guy. Here is a picture of him and Pete sitting down in front of a large crowd as their album plays


After which they have shamefully bowed to commercial pressure and took the cowardly step of allowing the djs to play what they want


Pete always has weird ideas. He decided that instead of dj-img in the conventional sense the warm-up djs had to select an album and play that all the way through. I had thought he was joking when he said that but it turns out he wasn't.

So this was my selection

View attachment 12454

Anyhow, this Panda Bear fella seems to be a really lovely guy. Here is a picture of him and Pete sitting down in front of a large crowd as their album plays

View attachment 12455

After which they have shamefully bowed to commercial pressure and took the cowardly step of allowing the djs to play what they want
Live-publish a mix album of your set, releasing it while you play


Trumpet Police
Really like the Go on track - from the new album (played on the show tonight) - somehow perfectly distills what a panda bear / sonic boom track should should like and still great. Hope the album’s this good 😊


Well-known member
there was once a legendary ( speed freak) DJ at a certain northern seaside resort's rock club whose "set" would consist of him sticking on all four sides of "Space Ritual Alive"by Hawkwind and stuttering into the mic, "f-f-f-fucking Hawk-k-k-wind, fuck-in-in-ing dance!"


cat malogen
Pete always has weird ideas. He decided that instead of dj-img in the conventional sense the warm-up djs had to select an album and play that all the way through. I had thought he was joking when he said that but it turns out he wasn't.

So this was my selection

View attachment 12454

Anyhow, this Panda Bear fella seems to be a really lovely guy. Here is a picture of him and Pete sitting down in front of a large crowd as their album plays

View attachment 12455

After which they have shamefully bowed to commercial pressure and took the cowardly step of allowing the djs to play what they want

playing whole lp’ can be a revelation if your setting is open, fun and willing to embrace a different sound format being introduced

heard Tonka mix in and out of double copies of lp’s which, even then, isn’t letting the lp itself ride


Really like the Go on track - from the new album (played on the show tonight) - somehow perfectly distills what a panda bear / sonic boom track should should like and still great. Hope the album’s this good 😊
I'm not maybe the right person to ask cos I don't really know PB at all and... from what I have heard it's not really my kind of thing. But the album playback sounded nice you know. Crowd enjoyed it, cheered every song with what sounded like genuine enthusiasm. A weird way to do it... the two just sat there at the front as it played. Both managed to avoid looking awkward while it played which must have been tricky, I truly meant it when I congratulated PB on that and he said that it had been very hard.


playing whole lp’ can be a revelation if your setting is open, fun and willing to embrace a different sound format being introduced

heard Tonka mix in and out of double copies of lp’s which, even then, isn’t letting the lp itself ride
Yeah I can't really say that this was like that. I turned up early doors to play for whoever was there at that time. Pete said "play an album" so I grabbed the nearest album to the front of the bag. Job done. I don't even know the album that well, I was thinking "I hope the second side is good..."

After the playback thing Liza really rocked it anyhow. Only one turntable working so really was simply a matter of selection only, luckily her choices of undeniable bangers had everyone jumping around until she let me put a few to close the night - at which point a complaint from the neighbours (I dunno if it was due to the volume or they just really hate Tangerine Dream) ended the whole thing rather suddenly.


Well-known member
Idlerich DJing in Manchester and the sun is shining, in the style of LS Lowry



There's a flyer about 6.19 and it says Pedro Beca, DJ Lynce... I know these guys, Pedro is based in Lisbon, he's resident at Lounger. Lynce is one of the main djs in Porto but he plays in Lisbon sometimes. He came for dinner with us last time we were in Porto.


Well, I know a few people in Porto - there is DJ Lynce (real name Pedro) and there is Pedro Pinto, and I'm just messaging a friend of mine from GAM - called Pedro Abrantes - to ask about the Acida thing. It also mentions Pedro Beca who DJ-d with us at Cosmos one time. Definitely a pattern emerging with those names...


OK so this is what Pedro says

About acida its nice kinda rave parties, a lot of youngsters, was better before like everything as many people dont go anymore But its nice, events are always in different locations we just played in the last one closed the event. Was nice.
We never know when is the next one is always pretty much a secret he simply announces. Or many times we know a bit previously because w gonna play or something. We dj there quite often but happens very infrequently
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