softcore dance


Well-known member
This is Softcore

Yes that should have been in the Lover's Jungle thread

There's an even more wonderfully tender remix on one of the Enforcers releases

Holding hands is a recurrent theme in Saint Etienne songs as it happens - "it's too hot to even hold hands / but that won't stop us from making plans" in "London Belongs To Me", "I know you want to hold my hand" in "Join Our Club". Part of Sarah C's pure-as-the-driven-snow shtick.

In the case of Manix, I always thought it might have some kind of ravey resonance - someone who's had one too many, feels "just a little overcome" (Saint Et reference), needs to be anchored to reality. The kindness of strangers.

I did Bob 'n' Pete a tape when I was in my most evangelical phase of "listen to THIS! it's the PHUTURE"... it had Omni, Foul Play etc, might even had this tune - I thought they might dig Omni's John Barry-isms - no idea what they made of it. certainly don't recall it affecting their subsequent choices of who to remix their tunes - that stayed within that softcore / early IDM range as i recall, Aphex and that kind of thing.... but maybe there's a PFM remix from later on that I'm forgetting
@blissblogger i think, the version I picked was the more tender one. The breaks feel as if they are being bounced along warm currents of air. It's utterly devine and yet also 100% London hardcore jungle.

That reading of the title is what would naturally spring to mind but not being either a raver or pill head, I'd be interested to know what Marc Mac meant by it.

BTW there's a new Omni Trio lp of previously unreleased material. Much of it gorgeous. Check Band camp
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Well-known member
i am list
BTW there's a new Omni Trio lp of previously unreleased material. Much of it gorgeous.
i am listening to it right now as it happens! it is good isn't it. i am thinking maybe i should give some of the later albums a relisten. probably i am ready for their mellowness, metabolically.
I think Omni Trio's music and musicianship allows you to stop yearning for the future rush element that was so much of our first experiences with the sound and just enjoy the enduring and particular pleasures of the ruff /smooth interplay.

My initial impressions of this "new" material is that it's as good as almost any of his previous work, bar the 93/94 pinnacle pieces. And perhaps this...



pass the sick bucket
This is Softcore

fucking love this tune 2 da max but it ain't softcore, one and only is softcore. you lot need to get over your anti-glr inverted snobbery.

Its more homely and crackling like a warm fire.whereas One and Only is pure smoothness. Not even a hint of ruffness whilst still being indelibly jungle, which is no mean feat.


Interesting to see the Farm referred to as hooligans, it was past that point then really, they were all casuals who looked down on the hoolis generally (i am not referring to Scousers specifically, it was a tablet/club revolution as we know).

Hooton had put together a fanzine about obscure clubs and clothes for a while, ostensibly tied to the football thing but also really about the vibe. The idea for the farm was more to create something that met the vibe and if i remember right was basically formed over a couple of conversations between amateur musicians in the Yankee bar after a home game

Not a massive fan but they do have a certain something. All Together Now probably the best one
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bandz ahoy
I suppose you're all talking about a certain strand of 90s music here but I would group this tune I discovered via the thread on here about soundcloud jungle or whatever you were calling it

Softcore as more of a 'ambient music to listen to while you work'/vaporwave/cloud rap adjacent thing


bandz ahoy
Also certain (hugely popular) house tunes I've heard from the last 5 years fit into a soft of 'softcore' emo-ish mood

Again probably not what the thread's about but I feel like there's a 'softness' to this sort of thing, too. A touchy feely sort of mood. Post Burial, you might say.


This house tune is the softcore vibe I’m searching for, but I have been unable to find any other cuts that replicate this mood. The tempo is a bit too fast for what @blissblogger described, but the feel is right … to me at least.

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Your Message Here
I did Bob 'n' Pete a tape when I was in my most evangelical phase of "listen to THIS! it's the PHUTURE"... it had Omni, Foul Play etc, might even had this tune - I thought they might dig Omni's John Barry-isms - no idea what they made of it. certainly don't recall it affecting their subsequent choices of who to remix their tunes - that stayed within that softcore / early IDM range as i recall, Aphex and that kind of thing.... but maybe there's a PFM remix from later on that I'm forgetting
PFM did a remix of The Sea which I always think of as a 'later stage' Bukem track. It is from 1996.

The version on Casino Classics, or at least the one on Spotify, starts at the mid point breakdown :ROFLMAO:

They also remixed Crackers when she guested on a David Holmes track.



Well-known member
PFM did a remix of The Sea which I always think of as a 'later stage' Bukem track. It is from 1996.

Ah so my random selection of PFM was not random at all but a half-memory!

When I did the tape, I had hoped they would get Foul Play or Omni in to a rmx to advance the Cause. Strange that it took them two or three years to embrace the idea.

Once invited Stereolab down to Speed, thinking that Tim & Laetitia might be won over by the lush arrangements and glom on to softcore d&B as a kind of '90s EZ listening (even the names were right - EZ Rollers). But they made up some excuse.


is not like other people
they did have a go at a drum n bass vibe though, not one of there best tracks imo


Well-known member
Interesting to see the Farm referred to as hooligans, it was past that point then really, they were all casuals who looked down on the hoolis generally (i am not referring to Scousers specifically, it was a tablet/club revolution as we know).

Hooton had put together a fanzine about obscure clubs and clothes for a while, ostensibly tied to the football thing but also really about the vibe. The idea for the farm was more to create something that met the vibe and if i remember right was basically formed over a couple of conversations between amateur musicians in the Yankee bar after a home game

Not a massive fan but they do have a certain something. All Together Now probably the best one

at the time my friends in Liverpool used to joke about The Farm that "I'm clucking, need a ten bag, better write a hit single"

before that, I remember a Scouse friend telling me about the 'zine as being all about the right angle to hold your cig, style & fashion focus


It is before my time tbh but he's alright Peter, even if he has made a career of being a professional scouser

Make of if what you will
