The Man Cave Continuum


I spent an hour in a cavernous bingo hall this afternoon
Who's been to bingo before? Fucking hell its grim up north london


Tight but Polite
I feel like there's a distinction between a sweet hi-fi / home cinema / gaming space and something more set up for making and doing? Also, I suspect that the true Middle Aged Bloke doesn't have much truck with traditionally "creative" stuff (getting into watercolours or taking piano lessons feels like a distinct phenomenon) and guitars and latterly synths are acceptable at least partly because you can engage with them in ways beyond actually making music....


Cat Malogen
a shed has no heating, it is pitched against the elements, a signal of resignation maybe yet fortunately it’s my main potting hub and a beacon of cool in melting summers of recent vintage. fuck keeping tools out there, this is Shottingham, you get killed over a toolbox

if you really want to practically channel eugenics rites @mixed_biscuits , horticulture may offer hope - seed germination racks, compost, different soil mixes for shifting seasons and moving top performers into pre-allocated groups of alphas. hasn‘t warranted attention from any pikey cunts on the rob yet touch wood

if I still drank the bottle of choice would be on the top shelf, as it is the top shelf has the brood’s cactus shit all over it. complete deterritorialization, your kids usurp you slowly


Tight but Polite
We're actually moving to a house with a cellar in a couple of weeks. It's unlined so a bit damp and musty for doing anything particularly fancy with, but could maybe try to find some reasonably resilient speakers to turn it into a rave cave or something.


Well-known member
I've got a properly "tanked" cellar and the intention was that it would replace the painting studio but it's not right cos there's no natural light. So it's just full of rubbish. Eyeing up the attic but it needs a lot of work.


Tight but Polite
We've got a couple of little attic rooms in the new place, too (the joys of not being in the Cambridge any more) - we're going to put Alison's cello there and play weird unearthly melodies to keep the Things Beyond at bay.
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When I was in a band in 2014 we "rehearsed" at my friends place and he had the attic room. A lot of good times in that place. I can still smell it. That sort of musty but not unpleasant old wood and brick scent. He had a Skylight you could see the moon and stars from. And going for a squirt in the middle of the night was a mission cos you had to negotiate a ladder.


Cat Malogen
@martin universes of the Irish past/imagination, you said your cousins could knock out a cow? my grandparents farm had an adjoining unused stable which my gramps repurposed into a second half-kitchen/half poitin den full of characters straight out of a Ra novel, technically suited in the mancave thread

the missing noise does take away from the bedlam, my Dad is zooming in and out consciousness behind this camera after a night hammered on spud sauce with cronies



I'm thinking final scene of Blair Witch, or yeah Fritzl etc

I don't have a man cave. My flat is a man cave. There's no women in there. Just fleshlights and PlayStations.
Same, except no sex or console toys.

Those high-end home hi-fi setups always make me think of A Clockwork Orange tbh.
I love this one, they have one for sale in one of the record shops here but I think it needs some work and it costs 600 euros


Got a friend from uni who I was always close to cos we were the only ones into music, used to buy records, talk about films etc We always used to laugh at people who were really into hifi set ups... but now he's got a well paid job and a house full of records he's moved on to buying stupidly expensive wires and last time I saw him he'd just spent one thousand five hundred pounds on a record cleaning machine.


Well-known member

I love the design of this TV that can be seen in the lower right of this screen capture from the best ever UK zombie biker movie, the lost folk horror toad magick classic of the 70s


Not sure I particularly want any of the things that go in a man cave; pool table, comfy chair with beer holder, weight machines...

There are some things that would be good such as a decent projector - in fact tried that in the living room but couldn't get the desired results - but I think all of them I'd happily share with inhabitants or visitors. Not sure there is anything I want that I would hide away.

Some kind of mini-bar would be cool I think but in the living room it would be a quirky taking point saying "welcome friends" whereas locked away in a secret cellar its message would be something more like "greedy lonely alcoholic".