Nukes and other explosions


bandz ahoy
Should have known there'd be such a thing as nuke nerds


3 years ago
You can clearly see the separation of the fission primary above the fission secondary. The fission is actually forming a darker mushroom cloud above the fireball fission below. I’ve never seen this distinction as clear as on this shot. You can see it other ones like bravo and poplar, but they are like a cherry on the top of the fire ball and small. But because this one is a 5 mt the fireball isn’t quite as large and the effect is more pronounced.


Well-known member
explosions are one of the defining forces of our world. they're easy enough to make and they rip through people and concrete. nothing can stand up to explosives really. war is all about explosions now, on the side of formal armies and ragtag insurgencies. suicide bombs and IEDs have changed the course of south asia and the middle east.


Well-known member
i've been in the vicinity of quite a few. they stop everything. the dust kicks up. everyone stops what they're doing and tries to work out what happened. the whole city is silent for ten seconds.

vershy versh

Well-known member
There's a character in one of Pynchon's books who says explosion without an objective is politics in its purest form. It's a memorable line, but I don't think it really means anything.
There's a character in one of Pynchon's books who says explosion without an objective is politics in its purest form. It's a memorable line, but I don't think it really means anything.

I think he means making an impact on reality to deny the reality of reality, subordinating it instead to politics. Like the entire Iraq War, for example.

It is interesting that we're still using 1000-year-old technology to wage war. Summoning instantaneous, evanescent demons of heat, shock and light, and smoke to interrupt causality, scorch a message into matter, give Nature pause.

"How can such primitive acts be orchestrated to win wars?", you might idly wonder, only to be shattered into splinters and flash dried pink mist a moment later.

vershy versh

Well-known member
That Mike Davis book on the car bomb is supposed to be pretty good.


Power to the People: How Open Technological Innovation is Arming Tomorrow's Terrorists Illustrated Edition

by Audrey Kurth Cronin (Author)

This is good, it was a shock to learn how much bombing was going off in London and across Europe in the later 19th century. A lot.


cat malogen
i've been in the vicinity of quite a few. they stop everything. the dust kicks up. everyone stops what they're doing and tries to work out what happened. the whole city is silent for ten seconds.

similar, alarms ringing in the seconds after, a suctioning out of air combined with brick dust, static crackly calm not quite settling like an electric cobweb across the face, first round of human calls, is there a secondary

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
i've been in the vicinity of quite a few. they stop everything. the dust kicks up. everyone stops what they're doing and tries to work out what happened. the whole city is silent for ten seconds.
I both heard and felt the blast from a few miles away when they detonated a WWII bomb around our way a couple of years back, and that was a mere half-ton of high explosives that had been blanketed by hundreds of tons of sand. I can't imagine what it was like for people in Beirut when they had that big blast there.