The best Basslines


Well-known member
I've just been to a works BBQ

3 double rum & cokes in and the Giorgio Moroder radio edit comes on

and it's far too short

so, now I'm home I can amuse myself with

the greatest bass line of all time extended with caped wizard synth overdubs:


I bought a cheapskate behringer 303 knockoff last year, first thing I did when I got it out of the box was program this bass line for infinite nerd fun


Well-known member
to my ears this is very similar to the Adonis bass line, but in a different key and slower tempo and it's heavier, and it's probably using completely different notes, but somehow they're both variations on a theme in my frazzled mind, come to think of it, the only real connection is they're same year ( 1986 ) from the same city

another thing in common with the Adonis track is if you took away the bass line then there is no tune...

Denise Motto - I M N X TC

this is a personal favourite of mine


cat malogen
two vocal drones combined, works for the first few ten minutes

predictable but that’s not the choon’s fault

Super Collider super colliding

Tension in NY, last Landstrumm release bought



Well-known member

Scientist - Drum Song Dub

reggae can offer some pretty good bass lines

this is not the HEAVIEST EVER, but it's still pretty damn hypnotic, and IMHO it's up there with the "best"


Well-known member

Tito Puente - Four Beat Mambo

the LP this is lifted from is never a few feet from my reach, this might be in my top 10


recorded in 1956

Bobby R locks into an unrelenting melodic groove on a stand UP bass while the Santeria dudes get DOWN

the Orishas approve

one of the best bass lines EVER

edit: very much in common with Adonis, 30 years previous


Well-known member
You should do a top 100 at some point.
Flattered @version perhaps someday, are there any set guidelines/rules?

Re: the topic, I lean heavily toward the post-punk side of things and am tempted to spam the thread with even more melancholy low-end. That Asylum Party one’s a real tearjerker.

I’ve always been very drawn to the Peter Hook approach, although he’s not even the best to have done it (gotta hand tunes like “Age of Consent” and “Disorder” to him, though). Basslines full of pathos that dominate the melodic space, nearly relegating the guitar to mere ornament. Asylum Party, Always Now-era Section 25, early The Wake, early Xymox, Trisomies 21 (above all), Nagamatzu, some Cocteau Twins, Lowlife, Parade Ground, Thick Pigeon. It’s what got me interested in making music in the first place, the easiest instrument to play doing all the heavy lifting. And it’s why I could never really get into The Jesus and Mary Chain, MBV, Slowdive, Lush, etc. Those fucking stupid guitars ruin everything…