i've never had therapy but pretty much everyone in the US above a certain level of income seems to. probably that's common knowledge. it's a very therapised culture as a result. not surprised that the language that US therapists are presumably trained in has spilled out into how people talk about everyday life. every now and then i end up in conversations where i basically don't understand what we're talking about because there's a key piece of vocabulary that I don't know.
i think that on a large scale something is happening to language; specifically something is going on where language meets the internet. some of these words, like the therapy speak, feel vague but have a fake preciseness to them. its medicalised terminology too. everything about what it's like to be human explained through a kind of medical terminology.
generally it is one thing i like about the US though, that a comparatively large proportion of the population have some kind of insight into their own emotion
Interesting point about language there, and I don't deny the prevalence of therapy may have an affect on the wider culture.i've never had therapy but pretty much everyone in the US above a certain level of income seems to. probably that's common knowledge. it's a very therapised culture as a result. not surprised that the language that US therapists are presumably trained in has spilled out into how people talk about everyday life. every now and then i end up in conversations where i basically don't understand what we're talking about because there's a key piece of vocabulary that I don't know.
i think that on a large scale something is happening to language; specifically something is going on where language meets the internet. some of these words, like the therapy speak, feel vague but have a fake preciseness to them. its medicalised terminology too. everything about what it's like to be human explained through a kind of medical terminology.
generally it is one thing i like about the US though, that a comparatively large proportion of the population have some kind of insight into their own emotions
But in terms of practicing as a therapist, you avoid that shit like the plague - one of the things that makes it curative is your ability to have real emotional contact with people and those kinda pop cultural cliches just get in the way, hugely.