25 years of WANG!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Well that was the best night out I've had in years. And best of all, absolutely zero pathetic insecure losers turned up to violently assault me in order to feel good about themselves!

Or maybe one did, but his effeminate little flailing slaps were so weak and ineffectual I didn't even notice it happening and probably just assumed I'd walked under an air vent.


cat malogen
Afternoon, my broken singing cicada. I prefer an occasional italic added to an exclamation mark for Rupert exchanges. A firm handshake is always a good introduction irl but there are a million better options irl than doing irl time for the likes of irl you 🤪

Have it on good authority you pose no irl risk to anyone short of going Boris Johnson rugby tackling kids mode ..

Well done getting hammered though, did the same over Christmas for the first time in aeons but it can be like battlefield reenactment societies in some ways, law of diminishing returns past 6am and you’re not getting any younger

Go and satisfy your wife for once while your babysitters still hold parental responsibility partially at bay, priorities!


cat malogen
was imagining thus - a lean man in a black and mixed ¥Acid*¥*Mammoth¥ Hawaiian shirt, a clammy tepid twitching hand shake, sweaty palmed, eyes flickering with remorse, mouth drying and narrow flipper wrists, rolling like a Little Britain hybrid about to be sectioned

who goes to clubs, honestly, contemptible places caught in a retro-hospitality loop

sorry to dump on you, again

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
"Who goes to clubs", well, people with friends who enjoy music and dancing and fun, that's who.


cat malogen

enjoy the comedown, maybe join the rum club tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday to take the edge off