
Well-known member
in both countries people will look down on you because you're different because you're poor. that is the absolute heart of it. the central fact of england in particular is - they hate us - that's the only way to say it. they don't even know it about themselves
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its one of the things trump and the lads take advantage of the contempt that loads of americans are held in by the other americans. it seeps out of everything, it's totally obvious


Well-known member
one of the best things about the 90s in england was that being poor was cool thanks to the musicians and footballers oasis and d&b we glamorised it


Well-known member
its one of the things trump and the lads take advantage of the contempt that loads of americans are held in by the other americans. it seeps out of everything, it's totally obvious

The thing is, people might assume contempt because they are poor.
It could be, as in my case (and I grew up in families that went from being poor to middle class/upper middle class) because people act wilfully ignorant and it just so happens that those people are also the most redneck stay wilfully uneducated.


Well-known member
one of the best things about the 90s in england was that being poor was cool thanks to the musicians and footballers oasis and d&b we glamorised it
what happened in the 00s is the middle class took over everything and its been bad for culture categorically


Well-known member
the hipster is best understood as the middle class taking over theres a thread about it


Well-known member
the fact that this was such a huge song after 9/11 and that such a large percentage of people equated everything to do with the middle east and with saddam hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction with 9/11, that's an example of the kind of reason i hold contempt:


Well-known member
i bet none of those people know a damn thing about geography
basically, the average trump voter


its one of the things trump and the lads take advantage of the contempt that loads of americans are held in by the other americans. it seeps out of everything, it's totally obvious
Yes I'm very partial to the line of thinking that Trump triumphed in 2024 by uniting the 2nd & 3rd estates in their mutual resentment toward the American 1st Estate. Which is in part about feeling condescended to by the 1st estate


Well-known member
but so much hypocrisy in the people that feel condescended, too
this very recent, extremely popular song, is another example for the reason for my contempt
also, if I were to draw a venn diagram of evangelical baptist christians/small town folk/people that have never read a book in their life - the crossover would be enormous

also gotta love "Yeah, ya think you're tough" - uh huh, - and what - you think you're tough, too?
try growing up around people like you that have zero empathy, compassion and understanding for people that are struggling and/or a little different
"Around here, we take care of our own" - the fuck you do, not unless they are cookie cutter replicas - maybe you should write a song saying "we take care of our own as long as they are exactly like us - otherwise, gtfo"

"Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they're gonna round up" - yep more of of the gun-nut conspiracy theories

"Full of good ol' boys, raised up right" LMAO - "raised up right" - in other words, we ignore every lesson they teach in church while viciously defending any perceived attack on the religion of whose principles we ignore


Well-known member
fuck him in his fat fucking redneck face
"Around here, we take care of our own"
"Full of good ol' boys, raised up right"

oh right, that's why my grandfather growing up literally a cripple in the hollers of appalachia had to physically fight "good ol' boys, raised up right" every day - 'cause you "take care of your own", right? right?! lmfao

fuck you in your fucking face that you have the nerve to feel aggrieved