experiences of US states,


Cat Malogen
Caught up with an old mate re time in the US comparing experiences, comparing states and how Virginia could conjure a certain onerous chill upon at times. Degrees of psychic tragedy and blood letting within its boundaries even got picked up by by people like D Lynch, regardless of Lynchy tropes or views on his work


Cat Malogen
Of course, a great deal of surreal respect for its rippling hill ranges is a given, its interior up through Shenandoah in spring and autumn is heaven on Earth, down to less visited coastal zones. Putting all naval infrastructure aside (Annapolis isn’t far), Geotrauma certainly winds its way into conversational view again. There’s a disconnect or dissociative element in the mix too while you’re in these localities. You become complicit. An intriguing state, look who has lived worked and settled around McLean and Ashburn in northern VA down through the decades - sulphurous

Virginia is for lovers. Northern Virginia‘s vast network of historical sites, like Mount Vernon and Harpers Ferry, are wedded to Washington‘s history too, even when DC didnt hold the title and status it does today. Home to the magnificent snaking Potomac broken by occasional falls, further south discreet tidal Chesapeake inlets are where you can almost forget where you are crushing beers moored up on a boat rental


Cat Malogen
Figures looming from history discussed as this election year’s developments evolve - Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson. Add Richmond’s status in the confederate world and sites of utter carnage like Bull Run, on top the pock-marked maps of earlier Peninsular War campaigning, a campaign where the British totalled a still relatively new Whitehouse looting the city with impunity like Jeremy Clarkson and Millwall hybrids on holiday, doesn’t even get back to the wars of of independence or first contacts. How does it echo today?

Virginia is intersected by I-95, the slow 3 lane slog shifting you into other regional American domains out from the mid~Atlantic - head south to the Carolina’s, directly east and north to Maryland, Delaware and south Jersey’s coastal resort hubs. North to Baltimore and Philadelphia the gateways to Pennsylvania, NY and New England. Virginia is Appalachia too and, veering west, a crest of low mountains broadcast out on bright sunny mornings via extended driving routes all over the topography or, if you’re lucky, during circling flight routes as air traffic control try and stack patterns of planes due to backlogs into/out of Dulles and Reagan airports


Cat Malogen
Virginia is inside/outside the Beltway, Arlington cemetery’s sepulchral sacrifices gleam as tourists in oxygen masks waddle in bad jeans gathering and looking to explore the grounds, slowing your own journey down drastically. Its neighbour in the north of the state = Alexandria, complete with historic old-town/old-money cohorts, the waterfront when not hammered by tourists escaping the city in summer heat. Overpriced bs here. A commonwealth whose citizens eye Maryland’s black NE/SE DC emigres from gentrification pressure in the city with twitchy terror and contempt. Something you could feel in them shift crossing routes into MD, the subtle shift in tension in a car or truck journey among grown adults working with locals

Thick air. Quantico. Langley. The Pentagon. Andrew’s just over the river, fort this, fort that. Lived in various apartments close to 1315 Duke Street, Alexandria, the base of operations for Franklin and Armfield north of the Gulf of Mexico. Shocking dreams at times, bad sleep, everything is burned back in summer so greenery is at a premium. Enough humidity to engulf you in sweat but you adjust. Miss the humidity, the dreams not so much, an intruder among ghosts


Cat Malogen
* not a Nazi thread, it’s ok no references to subordinate regions have haemorrhaged out

in an election year and with a fondness for specific locations, you ask yourself occasionally what’s in store over the next few years for such people and places and with so much topographical variation too - America as continent, America as city country and home state, after all The Dudes are atypically loyal to their home state - comparing states as experimental legal hubs for capital, working from old English common law fixated on property, to the differences and similarities in levels of white flight between red, blue standards and more marginal state polities

I regret not travelling to New Orleans during missions along the east coast, Louisiana of the imagination and Louisiana as it really is. America as bounty again re LRZ and NFL. Farage was out trying to gerrymander an east California constituency together to cleave a way in to its historic electoral college numbers, just as the Welsh Tract gave Taffs a way into Pennsylvania’s thriving regional base

’Conquering the states’ is an articulation of non-American ambitions about time ‘in-country’ in the US, then there’s a breakfast place you find which slowly becomes a home from home


When is Russia going to exercise its buy-back clause for Alaska? Then they wouldn't need that storage space in Ukraine.


Cat Malogen
Biscetti trying to get a ticket to Trump fundraisers, right mix of retired Jewish people and out and out rednecks

Plus the coast is going to be absolutely fine, so dump crypto buy land in Florida while you still can


It has to be a blue state because I like disagreeing with people and they probably wouldn't shoot me, whereas in a red state they're not only more likely to agree with me but more likely to shoot me anyway.


I disagree with blue state values but have no problem living up to them, whereas I agree with red state values but wouldn't be able to.