Ghetto House whatever you call it; DJ Assault, Traxman, Deeon etc


Well-known member
calm lol


if I could mix I'd play this in the first 5 minutes when me and my mates would be furiously chopping up lines of speed and MDMA and cocaine, it'll get messy after


Well-known member
if I ever win the lottery you are all invited to my red light strobe lit basement party with ceramic tile topped tabletops for easy chops


When I see Godfather dj he seems to be doing so much scratching and basically showing off that it kinds detracts from the set and just the music as a whole. I don't feel that with Assault, to me his fucking around is so much rawer and somehow in keeping with the music and it just works. Is that just me?


Chtonic Fatigue Syndrome
Last time I played this one pitched right down so as I could mix into the electro or whatever I was playing. Now thing is when you play something mad slow like that it kinda sounds weird to you cos you know it but to those in the crowd who maybe don't it just sounds normal. Anyway they went nuts, floor really went off, two people came over to look at the record although I think one girl was actually offended by the title strangely enough - or maybe she thought it was like a coded message to her...

Anyway, maybe next time I play the other side, also some other similar gear if it works slowed down.

In fact this is already at 33 instead of 45

Disco D himself did a whole mixtape of slowed-down ghettotech, it's heavy: