California Tiki, Polynesian Pop


A Liniment's Evil Work
I guess so, but really don't much about it.

I used to think the word was spelled howlie instead of haole because of how it's pronounced. I thought maybe howlie was a commentary on how white people sound 😄


cat malogen
Always think of Boyd Rice for some reason, his absurd image and running a tiki bar, grow up you knob

Not recommending anyone else think of BR, just the tacky tiki schtick (after TG) to add a bit of schmaltz to his oh so edgy wanna be Oberleutnant GrupenFührer occulty woohoo couldnt make a single musical composition either from talent or sheer force of desire if he tried


I've been thinking about the relation of this stuff to the sublime, to the Romance genre more widely

in part because I've been watching the various (1922 + Herzog) Nosferatu films, which are very influenced by stuff like Shelley's Frankenstein

Romance is all about the edge of the map, about wandering and wondering, about looking for something grand and beautiful in nature. Herodotus is the first writer of romances, tho the Ancient Greeks wrote plenty in the genre (including the first scifi!)


(Which is also why this stuff is tied up with the Western, with the Space Age, with Christmas, with Disneyland, with Hollywood, with Southern California ie American Eden where winter never arrives. It's all about fantasy, escape, exoticism)


And how delightful to watch 1963's Beach Party—in which a worldclass anthropologist travels from Micronesia to Malibu to study the "puberty rites" and "mating dances" of surf culture—and see that the dudes' main haunt, a place called Big Daddy's, is based on Cafe Frankenstein in Laguna Beach:



Romance and the Sublime (the awful, the beautiful, the haunting) are all tied up with the history of electricity, too. The mysterious currents and forces and flows of energy. Galvinism. Animation of the inanimate. Electricity as life-force.

And so it's nice that, with a title like The Modern Prometheus, there is this link between fire and lightning

Because lightning = Prometheus, speaking literally now. It is what descends from the heavens and blesses mankind with fire. Long before man knew how to make fire, he could find fire, and keep it alive.

And speaking metaphorically, lightning is that bolt from outside your framework that shakes you up, that cannot be assimilated, that demands accommodation (in Piagetian terms). The tower of babel. Murphy's law, to Pynchon. And Joyce, following Vico (whose giants were awakened into consciousness by lightning strikes) sees lightning as that which wakes us up, the spark that starts the fire of consciousness

Which is what the Sublime is to the poet, he has this encounter with nature, with the wilderness that lies outside the borders of his walled garden, and it changes him


And this brings us (by recirculation, by commodius vicus) back to Polynesian pop

Because the American GI is such a figure. And the American GI in the Pacific, in Vietnam—these go on to be portrayed as romantic figures who leave home and have an experience in the jungle and then they bring it back. It haunts them and it haunts their society when they return; they are vectors for contagion of the Outside. Tiki is a recontextualization of this haunting, a nostalgic fantasy that floats above a heart of darkness

from Jason Henderson & Adam Foshko, California Tiki:
many of the servicemen engaged in the fight against Japan had also been stationed in Bora Bora and Hawaii and sampled firsthand the Polynesian lifestyle and culture... the culture became a touchstone for many of them—something that they all shared, something they would want to take with them. They had all been part of a great adventure, an experience that changed them, possibly the greatest of their lives.


In Beach Party and Gidget—both milestones for this stuff, as Hawaiian surf culture mainstreams on the Western shores of America, via San Francisco and Long Beach's ports—

in these films the sea is an emblem of nature's rhythms. something deeper than the social, that which lies outside the walled gardens

(this is also what the sea is to Melville, in Moby-Dick: it cannot be tamed or domesticated, because unlike land, it admits no "marks"—you cannot inscribe in it, cannot etch and write and carve and build atop waves)

And the big symbol for this in Gidget is the conch shell: you put your hear to it, and you can hear the waves of the sea. Hypnotic, mysterious, alluring whispers. And this whisper is what draws Gidget in, draws in the Kahuna and Moondoggy and all the gang. An almost sexual rhythm.

A reconnection with the ocean which is at once, paradoxically, a site of danger and also associated with the salty womb—the womb is the "sea inside us"; we come from the sea, and we return to the sea when we die. Sexuality is both suicide and death—the death of innocence, the obliteration of the individual via attachment and coupledom—and also survival, reproduction, immortality. It is all bound up, the wetness of the water, the salt of sweat.


The surfers in Gidget see the women as sirens, who distract them from their ascetic, monklike purity as surfers—they are potential sources of involvement, attachment

Surfing as an almost libertarian subculture: "The way we see it round here, the Kahuna and me, nobody owes anybody anything. Not if they play it smart, not if they don't let themselves get involved."

Which connects back to the no-time no-where escape of tiki


I'm sorry I'm stepping in circles here I'm not positive what I want to say yet or how it all lines up, I want a straight vector like staring down the sights of a gun but I'm not there yet, still grasping for connections



Beach Party (1963)


The Master (2012)



There is always, in these beach party films, a circle of surfboards—like a palisade fence—around the fire. And then they sing and dance and fornicate to bongo drums

It's basically:
