The banning of Rachel Verinder.

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Well-known member
Loads of people are going to ask about this so I thought i'd better turn it into a thread.

I'm banning Marcello cos firstly because I was pretty sickened by the chest-thumping and general foul behaviour on the hip-hop thread. I fucking hated this and am guilty for just discovering the general unpleasantness therein (two people alerted me). Other people may have been stirring the shit and I'll be checking them out too.

Also, and just as importantly, I'm sick of him nitpicking blissblogger. What the fuck is your problem with Simon Marcello? Grow up. What it boils down to is this. If I'm going to have a forum in which either Reynolds or Carlin are going to feel comfortable, then it's a fucking no-brainer.

So there it is, I've made him welcome. I've completely refrained from making any attacks on him whatsoever. I've even been basically decent to him. What a pain in the fucking arse.


there are no accidents
well I'm all for tolerance and adolescent behavior like that is rather funny actually, but perhaps it's all for the better... maybe now he can go start the magazine stand with his "issues"


Taking History Too Far
It's a shame it came to that, but I'd rather a board where the mods weren't affraid of the moderation power than a board where they were.


Well-known member
oh i don't know...he is massively rude but can on occasion say very interesting things (and i was once described as a 'mosleyite' by him on NYLPM so i have been on the receiving end)- maybe like a suspension, or an ASBO or something would be better...


Spectres of Mark
I think it's harsh.... but I am notoriously much more tolerant of MC than most ... (and no-one can say I haven't been on the receiving end :) )... I agree with Owen, a period of sin binning is surely sufficient?


Well-known member
with mc mc its the endless vacillating that has bored the shit out of me over the past 3 years. now he's being reasonable, now he isnt. all the while one's supposed to be patient.

running this place, well it does actually carry some responsibilities with it. in that sense it can be a bit of a drag, and behaviour like marcello's, its not just irritating, its depressing.

i appreciate all your sentiments. and maybe we'll call a christmas amnesty. but truthfully i probably wont. because once hes back in its just a matter or time before he starts being a twat again.


The Heatwave
yeah good call. i was thinking of requesting that this be done after that appalling stuff he posted on the hip hop thread but couldn't really be arsed. glad someone did though. was bored of reading his posts


Minerva Estassi
mpc said:
a man falsely parading himself as a woman? surely for the best he's gone.

possibly a child toucher.


Those words of your are disgusting, mpc.
I ask for a ban on you.


Beast of Burden
i didn't even know this had happened.
oh well, i wouldn't have banned him, personally, but i'm pretty tolerant in the same way mark is and find marcello pretty interesting at times.
can't say he wasn't being over-the-top on that thread, though.
maybe i shouldn't have got so annoyed with him, either.
in any case, i hope i'm not being "watched" matt, i did try to calm the whole thing down before it started, and i know i get annoyed with people on occasion but i'm a nice, friendly dude at heart ;)
you can, however, place me on temporary suspension till u get those cds if u want.

ps, i think the paedo reference should be removed.
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yeah mpc delete please,
that's just cheap

woebot & verinda have boring history already, don't make more trouble


i don't even see the problem here. i said 'possibly'.

logan sama might possibly shank me. but obviously he won't cos we're family tree.


Well-known member
mpc said:
a man falsely parading himself as a woman? surely for the best he's gone.

possibly a child toucher.


tsk! mpc! bad vibes! i wish marcello no harm. i just want to run a (realtively) peaceful board.

apologise here svp.

stelfox said:
watched man

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