
Well-known member
what do we think about this? im getting a lot of eastern euro stuff on youtube now. living ironically in europe is obviously omnipresent.
i went to hungary in 1993 but otherwise have no experience. i remember the men had brandy for breakfast. it gets the heart started they said. pretty place.


Well-known member
i guess the stereotypes would be sullen, withdrawn, suspicious, brutalised by communism, terrible food, sly, dishonest etc


Well-known member
but i grew up next door to hungarians. got on well with them, played loads of football with them, spent lots of time with them. they grew up to be career criminals.


Well-known member
got some lovely scenery. ive looked it up on google images. wolves roam the landscape.


Well-known member
o they're notorious racists i guess that needs to be mentioned. determined to subvert the noble EU project of universal brotherhood.


Well-known member
once i locked myself out the flat and i was weraing shorts and a t-short and i was sleeping on a bench so brutally cold and a romanian homeless man lent me his blanket and i realised they too can have good hearts and from that day on i was no longer prejudiced.


cat malogen
Like a lot of life, you find common ground in your formative years with football teams

And then, when the drugs improved drastically, Red Star won the old European Cup



cat malogen
My older brother‘s been teaching in Krakow for years and is “never coming home”

It is a serene place, off-season, when it isn’t marred by Brits on a stag piss up either being rowdy, or passing out soiling themselves in public

Alcoholic hypocrisies aside, Britain treated Eastern European arrivals like shit. Paid less for longer hours, shared accommodation, usual bs of “but they work so hard” while withholding wages for people who were waking long before dawn


Hardly an expert on eastern Europe but in my experience I fucking love it, I love the food the booze and the warm hearted nutters.
Eastern Europeans are like southern Europeans but more so.


Well-known member
The bigger issue here is the fact that people how certain misconception regarding where exactly is Eastern Europe located, but Eastern Europe truly starts (always has and always will) across river Elbe. Berlin, for example, is Eastern Europe too, like the ultimate Eastern Europe really.


Well-known member
Must European blood has been shed due to this confusion about where the real borders of Eastern Europe should be (or the real borders of Western Europe to be more precise)