Kid Charlemagne Does Ramadan, a Chronicle

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
you're waking up before dawn and having breakfast right?
yes ive been getting up at 5am..... today, day three, has been the best and most equipped i've felt.... ive still been going to bed pretty late which ill have to figure out how to combat, so im expecting to crash and nap at some point today.


I will be starting Ramadan tomorrow......

No food or water from sunrise to sunset is the basic guidelines i will be following.....

I will also be abiding by more "hardcore" rules given to me by a friend.....

NO WOMEN (deleting dating apps)

I am doing this as a challenge for myself... i have no real job..... i have no real obligations..... rent and bills arent real things you live up to in life..... spiritual connection and resilience is the highest feat you can live for in life..... Malcolm X was told in jail that "take one step towards Allah, and Allah will take two steps towards you"..... i will never forget words.....

i told my mother this and my plans and she said i have to keep doing lent..... she asked if i would stop being catholic.....she is worried i will lose to much weight....

i opening up to this thread here to see if anyone has any fasting experience, or experience with ramadan.... i will also use this to chronicle my journey and struggles in any way i feel proper.....
Take multivitamins and you will feel less hungry.

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
day 3....
I woke up feeling the best i had felt so far..... i didnt have the greatest day mentally, but as i go off to bed, i tell myself to trust in allah and my worries will go away..... tomorrow is a new day.... the journey continues

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
everything has been going solid, i have not failed.... but unfortunately the past 3-4-5 days i cant remember i have slept through alarms because i stay up too late and i miss any oppurtunity to eat before sunrise..... its what it is.... i havent felt that bad tho.....
i started a little job at a movie theater yesterday, something to do while figure out has been a blessing from allah... so easy.... only old people come in... i can tsee movies for free..... a ton of downtime for me to go on phone or read..... every coworker i have met is gay tho..... yesterday these three gays were just messing with me all day during my shift.... it is ramadan so i am trrying to resist these haram thoughts, but one girl is really hot tomboy stern looking, im wondering if she plays for both teams..... maybe ill find out, but i need to stay strong for allah this mpnth

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
how are you doing @kid charlemagne ?
honestly..... ok overall, but we have a problem today.... i keep messing up in staying up to late, then i miss my alarms and cant eat or drink anything all day until sunset..... happened again today and now my voice sounds funny, it sounds as if im sick but i feel fine, i dont have a cough sore throat or anything (knock on wood that this doesnt come in the coming days)..... only really a problem because i have to be at work in 2 hours and its a long shift and im not tryna be talking to people sounding sick... i am almost positive that this is from a lack of hydration, i think that messes with ur throat and vocals.... idk what to do, i dont want to fail but maybe i should chug a bunch of water to sound normal

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
i have been very good with no more women during ramadan and all temptations.... when i see women online and think naughty, when i see women in public, when i see women walking around with men, anytime i think "oh that must be nice, kid, remember dating apps?" i quickly stop myself from that thinking about focus on something more important.... this morning has made me quite strained upon myself though.... i need to stop failing my alarms..... i cannot be missing suhoor...... i will never miss it again

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
today was a blessed day..... of course it was the day i got up on time to get morning food and water before sunrise..... i was productive but didnt play guitar let me think.... yes and then i passed out and woke up at three then went to the gym to hoop..... i played great in all three games.... this one guy i talked to after the game.... he asked about religion and my life.... we spoke about the journeys we are on in life, and how we have to only compare ourselves to past selves and not to other people.... and that faith in god/allah will save you from all troubles... we have both seen it happen..... it was a powerful conversation to have after playing and running at each other in basketball.... basketball truly transends life..... then i made dinner and saw a great concert..... this cute girl doesnt answer my DMs but shes always one of the first to watch my instagram stories.... i will not complain or lament further over it because it is ramadan... i will stay strong.... it is quite late right now, but i am confident i will not sleep trhough my alarms.... god bless you all, especially wise luka