Obviously I love wind farms.
It should be noted that Bernard Ingham is being paid by the nuclear industry to campaign against wind farms. I believe the Views of Scotland group is a front for his lobbying firm but I could be wrong. Certainly the anti-wind farm lobby is now much better funded than the pro-wind farm lobby.
However that is not to dismiss the local opposition to wind farms -- which is often a proxy for rural poverty and the diminishing power and livelihoods of smaller farmers. Which is itself a product of the large supermarkets stitching up the food business supply chain (they should all be done by the OFT but it's toothless) and large, rich farmers manipulating the food subsidy rules in their favour.
Mind you Matt is a fan of nuclear power so none of this will concern him
When we build our house I very much want to have a wind turbine on there but my wife suggests that its position at the foot of a hill will mean the wind velocity will make that uneconomic. Photovoltaic cells is probably what we will need to do instead.
There used to be moderately good grants for domestic renewable energy installations -- and better ones are planned. However, last time my wife checked, they'd cancelled the old grants, and hadn't introduced the new ones. I am pretty angry about that bit of bureaucratic incompetence. No doubt it's yet another Defra bun fight.