ver$hy ver$h
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Ballard's the one I remember woops slagging off. He said he writes the same book over and over.
it's one of the best books i've ever read so far. the author starts off by talking about the importance of simple values and family ties in her and janette's family. she discusses how fortunate janette was to be part of a christian heritage whose family tree can be traced back to numerous illustrious ancestors. this list includes fred steves and amy ruggles steves, who were simple folk, and praire farmers like many of janette's characters; heinrich and rachel stief, who immigrated to pennsylvania in 1766; and lewis stief, who was in something called the glanton gang and would do things like hunt for scalps and grab children by the ankles and swing them headfirst into a rock, idk i might be getting some of the details mixed up but it's a lot of family history stuff like that.Please report back
Ferrara wanted to do a film where Forest Whitaker was Dr. Jekyll and 50 Cent was Mr. Hyde.
Do you still have ambitions to make Jekyll & Hyde?
I wanted to do it. I wanted to do it with Forest Whitaker and 50 Cent, and if it ever came up I would do it, but… I would do it. I think it’s such an amazing story, and it’s right in the groove of what we’re doing. Stevenson, when they asked him why it was such a short book, he said, “Because my wife woke me up.” You dig? That was, like, one dream he had. It was a short book because his wife woke him up — that’s such a fucking killer line. But it’s such a dream thing. It’s written like the perfect script, and it’s been made a hundred times and no one ever made it, because it’s not one guy turning into the other. Jekyll turning into Hyde, that’s the Wolf Man. Okay? He don’t turn into Hyde; Hyde is another person.
It’s a father-son story, really. He’s younger, he’s just a different guy than the distinguished doctor. He’s not a 52-year-old distinguished doctor. He’s a 30-year-old maniac kid who’s going out to rock-n-roll and fucking hurt people. These are two different people. You dig? You can’t do this with the same actor, and no one’s ever done it with two different actors. But that’s not the only reason I want to do it: I love the beauty of it, I love the father-son thing of it, I love the fact that he wrote it out of a dream. I just love the precision of the fucking book. I would do it line-by-fucking-line.
I would love it.
I would too, but don’t hold your breath. [Laughs] Read the book. Imagine my movie.
Tell that to Borowczyk!
A good film of Jekyll and Hyde is just not possible
Tell that to Borowczyk
I'll have you know I guzzle Dick as much as I can!
The pejorative term for the Pacific Garbage Patch Culture Mafia.anthropocenesters
Reading Glass Arena by John Healy
Young kid boxer in abusive irish family ends up street alky/thief in the 60s then prison chess grandmaster (almost) to obtuse yoga practitioner writer etc
Fucking crackers book this surprised I'd never heard of it before