
Well-known member
I've looked on a book site I use and found, The Witnesses Are Gone and This Spectacular Darkness: Critical Essays.
I've read "The Witnesses are gone" but I preferred "From Blue to Black".
There's a good essay on lovecraft in "This Spectacular Darkness". And then loads of essays about other "weird" writers eg Ramsay Campbell, Robert Aickman.


Well-known member
My friend I'm in a band with loves them, we had a night where we listened to the album again and again. I can't even recall them at all, but just so odd how they keep cropping up. Like in this novel, but it also turns out that the main guy in the band was good mates with rudy from AR kane when they were at uni. I think it's mentioned in that latest Reynolds interview.


I'm staying in Oxfordshire for a couple of months. Don't really know anyone round here so I'm bored, getting fat etc so I join a local facebook group for local people and ask if there is a five-a-side team might need a player type thing. I get this message "hey mate, might be a game for you on Mondays, gotta ask the captain or whatever" - so we have a nice chat, look forward to hearing from you over the weekend, yeah cool. And then totally out of curiousity I decide to check out his homepage... I wish I hadn't done that.

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This evening we were on our way to the game and I ask this guy Jack about an eleven-a-side team he plays for on weekends - what position do you play? He said "Right wing like my politics".


In the town square waiting for a bus and it's ages so I go into The Bear to go for a whizz and a drink. These two old geezers are looking at me, then start talking to me - don't you live in [where my parents live]? You're a dj, used to go out with this tidy Russian bird? I guess they got me.

Apparently this guy used to drive a taxi and once he asked about a record by Bobby Fuller and I found a copy and gave it to him next time we got a ride!

i don't remember that at all, sounds pretty unlikely to be honest. Was I ever that nice? More likely he's misremembering - anyway now he's asking if I can source a copy of the theme tune to... Death In Paradise...

@william_kent will know who did that originally I guess. Also Google


Well-known member
In the town square waiting for a bus and it's ages so I go into The Bear to go for a whizz and a drink. These two old geezers are looking at me, then start talking to me - don't you live in [where i live]? You're a dj, used to go out with this tidy Russian bird? I guess they got me.

Apparently this guy used to drive a taxi and once he asked about a record by Bobby Fuller and I found a copy and gave it to him next time we got a lift!

i don't remember that at all, sounds pretty unlikely to be honest. Was I ever that nice? More likely he's misremembering - anyway now he's asking if I can source a copy of the theme tune to... Death In Paradise...

@william_kent will know who did that originally I guess. Also Google

is he talking about this?



He is definitely talking about that yeah. You know the tune, The Specials covered it, I think have the original on a comp somewhere.

Now I feel I have to find a copy and give it to this guy who can no longer drive a taxi after his stroke or it will destroy his illusions about me being a nice guy.