i dunno... i loved "hidden", it seems to be the film that " a History of Violence" promised to be and wasn't quite.. and anyone who can help me clarify my thoughts on it would be welcome... my take on it was that Georges is effectively sending the videos to himself.... i say "effectively" in that the videos themselves are largely impossible....the confrontation between Majid and Georges could only have been filmed by Majid or Georges (how could his son have known where they would go or when he would arrive) and I think that within the context of the film we believe that Majid isn't responsible for the videos that are " terrorising" Georges and his family... ("terror", a laden word at this juncture is a word that gets used a lot, though as was pointed out earlier, all that's really happening, at least at first is that George and his wife are being forced to see themselves from "outside", to know that someone is watching them. being watched and surveyed is the province of the others, and George and his wife are semi-traumatised by this simple fact of surveillance)...
if you view the action of film from Majid's perspective, assuming he's not implicated in the videos, then Georges is an all powerful, malignant figure who, by his intimacy with authority, parents and the police (state) is capable of ruining his life as a child and who later turns up from nowhere, not seeking reconciliation but setting him up once again for serious trouble, accusing him of stalking his family and kidnapping his son, having him arrested.. this makes Majids suicide in front of Georges coherent, this is what Georges has driven him to... it's hard to understand why Majid would embark on the project of sending Georges videos knowing that it will cause him trouble... I also think that we believe Majid's son's denials, would he willingly set up a situation that resulted in his fathers suicide? and even if these were the unintended consequences of his actions, wouldn't he be extremely cautious about the possibility of Georges involving the police and later repentant and riddled with guilt for his role in the tragedy?...
i assume then that the videos can't literally exist and that they represent the process of Georges acknowledging the existence of past crimes, even if he isn’t yet seeking forgiveness for them.. he is absolutely the villain of the piece, a decent, cultivated bourgeois monster, lying to his wife, hounding a man to death and refusing to show any remorse to or interest in Majid's son....it's " Funny Games" turned inside-out
so i'm going for the psychoanalytic approach, that the videos are the "symptom" of the return of Georges repressed guilt... a tremendous displacement…the sequence where Georges finds the video in the doorway only on returning to the house, then hides it in his COAT POCKET before reluctantly showing it to his guests and a making the situation public....the impossible video of his interrogation of Majid which his wife gets first and which finally forces a full confession from him (don’t we assume that George’s would have hidden it had he got it first?)...the possible further, mysterious displacement of guilt from son to mother over her “friendship” (though why she would go to her lover to weep over her husbands hiding secrets from her if she really were having an affair makes such an affair highly improbable ) etc..
the problematic and unassailable point in the film is that the videos are both imaginary and real, others witness them, they cant be said to be purely in George’s head, but they are also impossible to have filmed and no-one is responsible for them, and its that tension, among many others in the film that for me make it so disruptive, engaging and powerful....