Mr. Tea
Let's Talk About Ceps
Such as that mass vaccination against covid-19 has been overwhelmingly beneficial to public health?Yes, better to defer to the peer-reviewed, objectively undefeated argument
Such as that mass vaccination against covid-19 has been overwhelmingly beneficial to public health?Yes, better to defer to the peer-reviewed, objectively undefeated argument
Not the same class of claim as one gets in philosophySuch as that mass vaccination against covid-19 has been overwhelmingly beneficial to public health?
I think there's a conspiracy between Tea and Biscuits to drive the rest of us nuts.
I think there's a conspiracy between Tea and Biscuits to drive the rest of us nuts.
Can you refute Marquis tho?@mixed_biscuits
You’ve consistently posted bs where, in 3-4 clicks, I’m looking at the same typology of authorgiving awayselling kindle-only publications on Amazon with, surprise-surprise, rubbish featuring a Star of David. Weird how you keep circling the JQ, like no cunt notices
On and on like a wannabe savant - posting graphs, spinning yarns, even having the nerve to spin philosophy now like plates among a tornado of toss
Park the special, vip treatment, gifted child genius status just for an hour. Park the echo chamber you’ve created for yourself which seems utterly impenetrable or impervious to anything (anything) bordering on an alternative pov. Rarely have I witnessed anything or anyone so in awe of their own unique abilities, while expecting others to overlook or dismiss what underpins your droning, you sad little cunt of a man
The infuriating thing is that I'm acutely aware of this, but can't help getting drawn into his dislogic traps all the same. I don't know whether this results from a superpower on his part, a sort of disability on mine, or a bit of both.Only biscuit, who's playing tea like a fiddle
I reckon I could give you a picture of George and Zippy and you would find whatever it is you're finding within four clicks
The infuriating thing is that I'm acutely aware of this, but can't help getting drawn into his dislogic traps all the same. I don't know whether this results from a superpower on his part, a sort of disability on mine, or a bit of both.
Sounds adjacent to the Conspirituality podcast that @DannyL put me onto, which is great and presented by likeable and fairly normal people, although I've fallen by the wayside and there's about five million hours of it. Well worth a watch though, all the same.Was listening to the QAnon Anonymous podcast earlier - they've got their eyes on some really mad things in America but they're also massive gimps who do this weird fake laugh thing, so you need to be careful when you listwn to it.
Anyway they went to a "Secret Space Conference" which is a borderline Q convention or whatever? I feel like the aliens/Q crossover is something i should know more about
Journey to Truth Podcast - Classics
Religion & Spirituality Podcast · 1000 Episodes · Updated
Feel like this is something i should waste a bit of time getting informed on
Sounds adjacent to the Conspirituality podcast that @DannyL put me onto, which is great and presented by likeable and fairly normal people, although I've fallen by the wayside and there's about five million hours of it. Well worth a watch though, all the same.
I've heard this name mentioned with a combination of fear, loathing and awe. I'm sure no sane person can be named after two birds.Oh christ there's Teal Swan episodes here. Thanks for the heads up i need to hear those
So terrifying, in fact, that you've erased all mention of her!Thanks for the heads up