

thread death
completely agree with this. i don't think i could live without a bicycle. it's the ultimate freedom and it's so cheap. no gasoline needed, no taxes to pay, no expensive public transport tickets. it feels like magic that you can move so far with such minimum effort. whenever i have been away from home for a longer time the first thing i long for is to be back on my bicycle again.
As the resident cycling obsessive I can only concur. Many things I could live without but I would find it very hard to live without my bike(s)


bandz ahoy
I started becoming interested in cycling when I was watching "Kikis delivery service", the finest film of the 21st century (@craner)

There's a bespectacled boy who winds up befriending (and who knows what else) the titular teenage witch, and he's always zipping about on his bike

There was a scene in particular where they're flying down the hills on his bicycle in the sunshine that made me think "ah that must be quite fun"

And lo! It was fun


bandz ahoy
I do have faint inklings that I'd enjoy it if i really got into it, wearing lycra and annoying drivers up long hills

I'm interested in doing MTB cycling down hills and through forests but I'm also quite certain I'd destroy my wrists even if I didn't fall over


thread death
I do have faint inklings that I'd enjoy it if i really got into it, wearing lycra and annoying drivers up long hills

I'm interested in doing MTB cycling down hills and through forests but I'm also quite certain I'd destroy my wrists even if I didn't fall over
I spend far too much time watching ridiculous downhill MTB videos that scare me silly.

I think like many sports/pastimes there is a potential to become obsessive. Always a new piece of kit, something that will make you go faster or look better. I think it’s also about doing something for yourself - the bike (or whatever it is) gives an uncomplicated pleasure, it’s not freighted with irony or an intellectual position. It’s fun - until you break your wrist…
Cycled about 15 miles thru the South downs, vineyards, rivers, chalky byways, then along the seafront. And this evening, a quick 30 minutes after dinner as the sun set. Yesterday, along the front to the beach at Hove. If I don't cycle at least once a day, I can feel deterioration setting in. I used to cycle in London a lot, it had the advantage of infinite routes.

Something I cannot work out in retrospect is why I never cycled as a student. The nineties was a cycling nadir, it never even crossed my mind.


thread death
except there's always so much wind, i hate that so so so much. give me hills and mountains over that thunderous everlasting neverending terrible wind anytime.

Living by the estuary, meaning that nearly all rides start/finish with a five mile stretch of headwind/tailwind, I do understand this. The trick is not to fight it. drop the gear, pick up the cadence and just accept you're not going fast.

This race became comical - skinny blokes, light bikes and a howling wind


Well-known member
I am considering Brompton, cos I really do need something that can be used in conjunction with train.

Anyone got any thoughts on Brompton?


thread death
I am considering Brompton, cos I really do need something that can be used in conjunction with train.

Anyone got any thoughts on Brompton?
They are great bikes - design on them is impressive. Very convenient and hold their value of you ever look to resell.
One downside to consider: they are very desirable items meaning that thieves love them. Unfortunately i found this out when my son had his bikejacked from him on the way to work one morning. Two guys in balaclavas rode alongside him on his early morning commute on the Holloway Rd and made it very clear they would do him harm if he didn't hand over the bike - very scary indeed. Police did fuck all.


Well-known member
I don't think so either, but he's right, very recognisable brand. More the MCR end. Going on train with full size bike is really hard now.