Where have the UFOs gone?


harco pronting
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harco pronting
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harco pronting
any follow ups to the disclosure project?

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heavy heavy monster sound
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That had me emitting a kind of weird, high pitched giggle. It's really quite weird, that footage.


harco pronting
That had me emitting a kind of weird, high pitched giggle. It's really quite weird, that footage.

more footage from another witness has emerged!

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harco pronting
this is pretty crazy!

"A MYSTERIOUS giant spiral of light that dominated the sky over Norway this morning has stunned experts — who believe the space spectacle is an entirely new astral phenomenon.
Thousands of awe-struck Norwegians bombarded the Meteorological Institute to ask what the incredible light — that could be seen in the pre-dawn sky for hundreds of miles — could possibly be. "


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heavy heavy monster sound
That looks like a reaaaaally high powered laser, if they've found out how to project into the sky, I want one. You can see the beam.


i seen 2 x ufos in me life, when i saw those norwegian pictures i recognised them immediately
my 2nd ufo experience was in the sierra nevada california, camping out in the bush for a few days, 1 evening we saw this same type of mad shit going on in the skies - a bit similar to matilda's pictures here:

only more coherent shapes, like a huge glowing flower made of pink/purple clouds, with an astonishing geometrical petals and stamens & shit, changing shape, massively psychedelic, and a little disturbing - we were out of touch with the city & thought probly that was LA nuked, shit...
on return to the city a couple of days later we read that there were some icbm tests going on... what the fuck they must be firing up in those things...

(1st one is still unexplained, tho quite possibly also a military conexion; on the coast of somalia, on a very fraught full moon at the start of the war, as the moon waxed the sounds of distant artillery rolling over the city more regular and maybe closer though noone seemed to know whose artillery it was it was more & more intrusive & intimidating,
a masive red spot high in the sky over the sea in the early dusk, hanging there for 1/2 hour or more, it was not the scariest or wierdest thing that was going on at that time & i still havent ever really worked out what it was... whoo spookydooky!)
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Well-known member
From the Hessedalen film.

Check the description and picture of the spiralling blue light in the first minute here.



harco pronting
anther interesting case i've been keeping an eye on from a youtuber called seeingUFOsPA
she has shot hours of footage (which she uploads every week of these strange 'fake plane' orbs that seem to be invading her back garden every week. there's a lot of footage to get through but after a while you can tell her obsession with these things is starting to drive her nuts. her continual chatter / commentary style mixed with the natural outdoors sometimes reminds me of the Grizzlyman.

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Beast of Burden
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Who else loves this film?


est malade
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