the sponsored asbo/stuff you destroyed thread (for lichen)


reputations, relationships, empires, ecosystems, conurbations, dwellings, vehicles ;) , braincells, credit ratings, hardware, software, menswear, footwear, anywhere, ... said:
my ideal job -> An Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator was appointed in May 2004 to. coordinate activity between the police, their partners and the local community. ...
I have long aspired for some letters after my name - Mr Sufi Lala Esq ASBO sounds so distinguished, No?

What have YOU destroyed recently???


is not like other people
a sadly overlooked thread. I'll get the ball rolling...

1> my health and self respect on a stage made from pallets in france last night.

2> the back window of an already wrecked car, with a rock. damn that felt good.

3> a hammer which i was trying to use to break an (unrelated) pallet.

destruction is sorely underrated... surely i'm not the only one to dream of vandalism and proactive relaxation?


heavy heavy monster sound
Yes, it was a brilliant idea for a thread but I can't say on the internet!! Not under this rather (non) alias anyway! :(


I chewed some pens up at work, which led to them having to be thrown away before the ink ran out.
Seriously though, I'm more intersted in broke and trashed things being recycled or repaired rather than the other way around. Modern industrial society scraps enough perfectly useful stuff as it is.


Smashed a window at school when I was 7, just high spirits. Me and one of my cousins in Ireland once got drunk on Harp lager (we were about 11) and tore down some haystacks in a field down the road - I got belted by the old man, who then forced me to eat 4 hard boiled eggs (I still haven't got a clue how this supposedly sobers you up). Did the usual kid thing of sticking objects up exhaust pipes, for which I'd like to sincerely apologise, in retrospect, to the owners - hope it didn't cause any permanent damage.

Took part in a school mini-riot where we trashed a load of lockers and glued up door handles, but I was only a minor participant. Had a job once destroying garden sheds, it was quite fun, just used to sledgehammer them til the concrete supports were left. Was once lugging a display mirror upstairs in Liberty on Regent Street and dropped it, causing it to shower broken glass over everyone below and cutting my hand open - the 7 years' bad luck thing is bollocks though.

Once got so pissed off with my (then) girlfriend one night, I destroyed her favourite chain belt by using it as a lasoo, kicked a hole in a wall (nearly breaking my ankle) and threw an uncooked potato at the head of someone who wished her happy valentine's day, which missed and took out a set of windchimes. Threw part of a dismantled park bench at a member of HM constabulary in Hyde Park and once conked a member of the BNP with a bottle - just for the record though, these two acts were committed under the influence of Marxist brainwashing, thank Christ I now realise the police are our friends and here to protect us from the wreckers of civilisation, and I've spent many an hour on bended knee, praying for forgiveness for these acts of sheer evil.

Once trashed a Nigerian bloke's fence when me and my flatmate stole a hoover from a student party and tried to sneak it back onto Camberwell Grove by cutting through a row of back gardens - a bit like that French film where the bloke dives from swimming pool to swimming pool. Received a caution for 'criminal damage' for that, thankfully it wasn't a white man's garden so the police let me go after a few hours in Walworth Road station.

I once blew someone's speaker up after I hooked a bass guitar through their amp. He took it well, though I never got invited round again, and I felt bad that I was too skint at the time to buy him a new one. Earlier this year, I helped someone to destroy a hotel room, which was sort of fun, though I really wanted to have sex with them instead. Oh, and at the moment I'm accidentally destroying my flat by trying to 'do it up', including a broken window. Another mirror went yesterday afternoon, at least I know I don't have the bad luck hanging over me but am dreading having to sweep up the mess tonight!

thanks, that was well cathartic
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Actually, one of my favourite acts of vandalism was a Polish soldier called Vit who tried to jump up and grab and ride one of the overhead fan blades in a really boring club / bar, and ended up pulling the whole thing out of the ceiling and breaking a table on his descent.

matt b

Indexing all opinion
once conked a member of the BNP with a bottle -

fuck, that's reminded me.

when a student in newcastle, me and my housemates went to a house party up the road. one of the occupiers' bedrooms had lots of nazi posters etc on the walls. we spent 20 minutes emptying the entire contents of bedroom through the (1st floor) window onto the street below (tv, stereo, bed included). followed by some breeze blocks we found.

then left, obviously.


...only to find out the room belonged to an anti-nazi campainer that had confiscated the stuff from another house and was keeping it as evidence!