chek it: Closest Full Moon of 2006


just seen footage on tv of the eclipse in kerbala and baghdad where they are doing their nuts...

BIG FULL MOON: Tonight's full moon is the closest
> and biggest of 2006. Why? The Moon's orbit is
> lopsided: one side is closer to Earth than the
> other. When the Moon turns full on Sept 7th, it will
> be on the close side, making it seem a bit wider
> than usual. Look for the extra-wide Moon rising in
> the east at sunset--very pretty.
> BONUS--A LUNAR ECLIPSE: If you live in eastern
> Europe, Asia, Africa or Australia, you might also
> see a partial lunar eclipse tonight. The Moon will
> dip into Earth's shadow for about 90 minutes around
> 1851 UT on Sept. 7th. Only 19% of the Moon will be
> covered, but that's enough for a nice display. Maps
> and animations may be found at
> .

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
I was out last night. Absolutely mind blowing moon - when it was on the horizon it was vast. Out in the woods it was fucking scary.