Digital Media Theory articles


Well-known member
Any of the more techy here have any background in information theory? I had a smidgen of it in a computational linguistics course, and it all seemed pretty interesting (as someone who is interested in traditional/formal linguistics, psycholinguistics and Cog Sci computational modeling in general, and applied comp. ling.)


Well-known member
Any of the more techy here have any background in information theory? I had a smidgen of it in a computational linguistics course, and it all seemed pretty interesting (as someone who is interested in traditional/formal linguistics, psycholinguistics and Cog Sci computational modeling in general, and applied comp. ling.)

You mean Information theory as invented in this paper? I guess i'm familiar with that subject. What do you want to know?


Active member
HMGovt's assertions aside, I think it's short-sighted to assume that media theorists, computer scientists, and fiction writers live in separate spheres that in no way overlap.

It may prove a point to claim that theory has a fundamental detachment from the reality of the situation and that those who actually create and implement the technologies are truly relevant, but that ignores the fact that there are literate scientists and technologically knowledgeable theorists. That doesn't even address the disconnect I could propose that both groups have with the population at large.

(Disclaimer: CS person, interest in theory, friends in linguistics)


Well-known member
thanks again! (hope I'm not revealing a class bias by too much politesse ;-) we never did get around to discussing the articles here as hoped. how are you finding the course?


thanks again! (hope I'm not revealing a class bias by too much politesse ;-) we never did get around to discussing the articles here as hoped. how are you finding the course?

i tried at first, but it got a little derailed, didn't it? i've been ambitious lately and not as chained to my computer after work, but i'll try. i'm in school full time, all theory-based courses, i work full-time and i need to find time to abuse my brain double-time and play with keyboards.


heavy heavy monster sound
These are great nomad thanks, I'll settle in and read them tomorrow, have to print them out, I'm still useless at reading long things on computers, dunno what that's about...


These are great nomad thanks, I'll settle in and read them tomorrow, have to print them out, I'm still useless at reading long things on computers, dunno what that's about...

i can't read pdfs, i always print them out, too. makes good subway reading...


thanks again for these

i have only read the jameson and some of the virillio so far but if i have any worthwhile thoughts i will submit them later


Well-known member
Thanks again Nomadologist!

You asked me in another thread about Shaviro?

Go here for his Doom Patrols and other writing, and here for his excellent blog.


Nice! A blog by a theorist.

He keeps coming up in all my classes, this semester is a lot of weird overlap and my classes are different enough on the surface:

Digital Media Theory
Electronic Media and Live Performance
Tactile Media

Edit: This blog is fantastic. Thanks!!
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