GhettoTek / B-more Recomendations


Poorly-known member
I also think that there's something a bit weird about watching a group of mostly moneyed white folks getting down to some of the lyrics. I think they don't mind'em because they don't feel implicated by them and there is some racism in that.

so what music is it okay for upper middle class white people to get down to?
Lol funny innit, white people are not considered authentic by... er..... other white people.

Everyone should just love what they love and dance like nobody's watching.


so what music is it okay for upper middle class white people to get down to?

the soundtracks to richard curtis films only, and from here on in, get to know your place as a person who's only worth is to be juxtaposed with working class people on channel 4 reality shows.
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anyway I was sort of stupidly patriotically proud of the London girls not taking it.

what if the girls who flashed the cameras before did it because they thought it was funny and they were just having a good time? just because a woman flashes her tits doesn't mean she's being exploited. men might want to *think* that they're exploiting you by getting you to participate in a nudey video, but that's just not always true. if the girls in the U.S. were willing participants, more power to them.

i guess if you're counting diplo, it makes sense to think of this stuff as hipster music. i wasn't really thinking about those guys.


sometimes i think the transgressive aspect of the lyrics might be accomplishing something...then i remember they're probably not


yeah, i think there's something about how cartoonishly awful (sexist/racist) it is that makes it hard to hold up to any sort of real ethical imperative. it resists being held to standards


miss amp wrote this and i like it:

i don't know anyone who takes ghetto bass seriously, sometimes i get a bit - 'that's a bit off' about some of the lyrics, incidentally i saw assault once and he was making comments that the ladies in the house should show him their 'bristol and west's' and they pretty much told him to fuck off, he looked a bit gutted.

who did that track 'he ain't my baby daddy, he's just a sperm donor' ohhh:)

Miss Amp lost me at the end when she seemed to condemn anal sex as some remnant of the past. Huh?

Otherwise a good article...

P.S. You know, a lot of the lyrics are consistent with a perfectly healthy dominant/submissive or S&M sort of relationship. Maybe DJ Assualt and the guys from Miss Amp's article are just into BDSM. Kinda sounds like it with all the cumshot to the eye lyrics and the commands to his "bitch" to do something...
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Honky Tonk Woman
I am from Baltimore. I am not really a part of any scene but my impression is that it is really segregated. You just don't hear about Club music in the sorta white/art student/hipster mileu. Baltimore really has three scenes and they don't mix together as far as I can tell. There's the black Club music scene. Club is on the radio on 92Q every evening at 9. There's a mixed house scene (used to be bigger back in the day, Baltimore was big on house. When you hear oldschool on 92Q they often play house. Then it morphed into club and they separated.) And there's the white noise/punk scene.

Club may be big with hipsters from other places but not so much here. It's funny that when Spankrock came to play here it was at a white rock club. It was a big deal when Rod Lee was invited to play at TaxLo which is the hipster night here.


that was the impression I had, Digital, from friends of mine who grew up in the area


Miss Amp lost me at the end when she seemed to condemn anal sex as some remnant of the past. Huh?

Otherwise a good article...

P.S. You know, a lot of the lyrics are consistent with a perfectly healthy dominant/submissive or S&M sort of relationship. Maybe DJ Assualt and the guys from Miss Amp's article are just into BDSM. Kinda sounds like it with all the cumshot to the eye lyrics and the commands to his "bitch" to do something...

well godfather has performed with the guy from ectomorph, him and his girlfriend are both fetish scene people. there is that kinda kinky crossover with those kind of ideas i think. but godfather is a dj that crosses techno and bass music anyway so it could just be coincidence on one level.

some booty is just sweet. godfathers - it's your birthday - 'go Capricorn it's your birthday' etc ..
My ex-girlfriend's vietnamese dad used to think it went "kiss your girlfriend"
(instead of it's your birthday)


what if the girls who flashed the cameras before did it because they thought it was funny and they were just having a good time? just because a woman flashes her tits doesn't mean she's being exploited.

fine, could be. i'm not here to say it's wrong. i just enjoyed a little tingle of schadenfreude when the would-be videoist got told he was a pervert and to get lost.


Well-known member
what if the girls who flashed the cameras before did it because they thought it was funny and they were just having a good time? just because a woman flashes her tits doesn't mean she's being exploited.

maybe. but just because you're having fun doesn't mean you aren't being exploited. Exploitation works by cooptation as much as coercion.


Darned cockwombles.
On the B'more side of things, I've got a comp called "Queens of Baltimore", containign a song with the immortal chant "Hay DJ, can you play club music?/I love club music/ All this hip-hop shit's gotta go". Fantastic stuff.

Also second/third/whatever Rod Lee, and the great Tittsworth remixes of hip-hop tracks, eg 'Stay Fly'.


mr. great
i highly recommend Low Budget's "Bmore Gutter Music" mix and Dj Ayres and Tittsworth's "Ayres and Titties" mix.

scottie b and aaron lacrate also have a load of super great mixes.
the sole tech album 'back to the future' is a classic

other booty/ghetto must haves for me are

dj assault - dick by the pound
dj funk - pussy ride
electric soul - x2 and come on baby

rubadub in glasgow stocks a huge amount of this shit. e-mail me if you're after anything.