Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Do you really want to risk eating what might be the ONLY intelligent non-insane lifeform on the planet? We may not meet extraterrestrials for a very long time but these guys are right under our noses. I think we have a fairly good idea of how smart dogs are :slanted:

Actually I mostly avoid eating any animals but eating ones that could teach us something seems really really wrong.

Dolphins are waaaay overrated. Have you been reading John Lilly?
Sharks are infinitely cooler than dolphins, but how often do you hear people banging on about saving sharks, (several species of which are badly endangered)?

Dolphins: boisterous, squeaky creatures beloved by hippies; basically marine spaniels, with a nasty sideline in gang rape but a great PR team to gloss it over.
Sharks: silent, efficient, cold-blooded, dead-eyed killing machines.

There's simply no contest.

Edit: what can dolphins 'teach' us, exactly? I'm basically cool with the fact that I can't balance a ball on the tip of my nose, and I don't think I have the requisite organs to locate objects by sonar, no matter how badly I wanted to. I really dislike this lazy fetishism of animals as 'superior to people' because they, like, live in harmony with nature, maaan...the reason humans are the dominant species on the planet is that we're the most evolutionarily successful. To put it another way, the reason pandas are almost extinct is basically because they're shit. In the game of natural selection (of which humans are a part, being no less 'natural' than any other species), they simply haven't made the grade. That's not to say we shouldn't be making a big effort to save their habitats and stop them from dying out, because people are sentimental about animals and it would make lots of people very sad if they went extinct. The same goes for dolphins, I'm certainly not advocated killing them all, far from it - I'm just saying it's stupid to hold them up as some sort of role model for human behaviour. The only reason they're not massively over-reproducing, waging war and depleting natural resources is because there are hardly any of them (compared to us) and because they don't have a material culture. If they did, they'd be doing just what we're doing. In fact, they'd be us.
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Martin Dust

Techno Zen Master
I'd eat one and I love how humans project that they know what animals are thinking - christ the frames of reference must be mental.


there are no accidents
Well hang on a minute, here. I can't think of any instances of a dolphin being kind to me, personally.

this is just idiotic.

I'm sure there are instances of all kinds of animals being 'kind' to people, if it even makes sense to use such an anthropocentric term (let alone 'respect'!) in relation to non-human animals.

no other animals that can easily kill us and eat us will play with us instead. what ever the fuck you want to call it, they are NICE to humans.


above is just the simple fact anyone can see plainly. I'm not even going to go into the incredibly complex sonar communication systems and social structure and bizarre brain-waves that we haven't even started to understand.
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there are no accidents
is this meant to be something common? after a number of years here I have never seen or even heard of such a thing ...

following is an email from a friend. the videos are absolutely bloodcurdling and horrific. watch with caution.
"The [Japanese dolphin] drive hunts are without doubt the most brutal way to hunt or capture dolphins anywhere in the world." - Naomi Rose, marine mammal scientist.

In spite of an international outcry, dolphin killing continues in several Japanese fishing villages, including Futo and Taiji, encouraged by the government. More than 20,000 dolphins are brutally killed each year, documented in disturbing video footage that can be found on YouTube. These mass killings have been condemned by marine biologists as inhumane and unethical.

Some of the hunted species are endangered. The meat is not a favorite food of the Japanese, and it is too contaminated for safe human consumption. Scientists and zoologists condemn these hunts as a way to collect living specimens. There is no evidence that the dolphins harm Japan’s commercial fisheries by eating fish. So why do these hunts continue? A very few fishermen make a lot of money selling the mercury poisened dolphin meat as well as a small number of live dolphins for shows.

The dolphins cannot defend themselves against the technology of the fishermen, nor can they speak our human languages. They need human friends to take action to protect them from this completely unnecessary suffering. It is our mission to work to protect these dolphins from our human brothers and sisters who have lost their ability to feel the suffering of others.

What can we do? Mahatma Gandhi showed us the power of seeking and speaking the truth in creating social change. We can help to tell the truth about this atrocity and we can tell the Japanese authorities how we feel about it. We can learn ourselves about the fate of the dolphins, and we can tell our friends about it. When enough people know, the killing will stop. Here are some steps you can take.

1) These are web pages where you can learn about what is happening to the dolphins in Japan:

2) Watch these videos to see what the dolphins suffer (warning: these are very disturbing):

3) If you can, giving money is a very big help to saving the dolphins:

To help the Taiji dolphins:

To help cetacians around the world:

4) Signing these online petitions sends a message to the Japanese authorities:

5) You can also contact these officials to stop the slaughter:

Los Angeles Consulate of Japan:

Japanese Embassy, Washington, D.C.:

Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa Fax: +81-3-3501-6942

Mr. Kazataka Sangen Fax: +81-735-59-2801

Mr. Yoshiki Kimura

Embassy of Japan, Washington D.C.

Tel: (202) 238-6700

Fax: (202) 328-2187


Mr Moraigero
crazy. never heard of such a thing. certainly i have never seen dolphin meat for sale here ANYWHERE ... maybe it is something regional? (people from tokyo were mentioned on those sites as never having heard of these practices ..) where are these places anyway?


meat-eating of all kinds of meat is deeply questonable, as is hunting & extinctions are definitely not good
dolphins are not especially cuddly if youre a mackerel, they're voracious hunters knocked my picture of dolphin innocence a bit when i heard that male dolphins are well known to develop impressive stiffys & become quite pushy when they're swimming with people...
my only dolphin experience is of waking up hungry on a boat in the middle of the mediterranean and seeing a shoal of jumping dolphins and thinking....mmm breakfast :)


entered apprentice
Dolphins are waaaay overrated. Have you been reading John Lilly?
Sharks are infinitely cooler than dolphins, but how often do you hear people banging on about saving sharks, (several species of which are badly endangered)?

Dolphins: boisterous, squeaky creatures beloved by hippies; basically marine spaniels, with a nasty sideline in gang rape but a great PR team to gloss it over.
Sharks: silent, efficient, cold-blooded, dead-eyed killing machines.

There's simply no contest.

Fibnally Mr Tea talks (a modicum) of sense. The mass resistance to the idea of dolphins as bullying, raping little shits alarms me. I'd probably eat either of them (shark/dolphin) given a chance tho...


Well-known member
Misuse/overuse of the word 'random'.

good one. and here's something i've mentioned before...

unremitting use of the phrase "in terms of"

And a more recent dislike:

people who say "peruse" when "look at" will do fine.

I also resent small cubes of avocado (well, the chopper, not the fruit); I believe it shoud be sliced thickly and sideways.


Well-known member
meat-eating of all kinds of meat is deeply questonable

I heard a fellow the other day on the radio saying that "we eat as though it were a feast day, everyday". That's spot on. The frequency with which we eat meat is the problem, not the fact that eat meat at all. IMNSHO.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Sorry to drag the thread back to dolphins, but I just remembered this: one of the very few 'funny' tee-shirts I've ever seen that's actually funny...