
Darned cockwombles.
lol @ lurkers moaning about a forum. If you're a producer and you aren't a 'muso' then surely you're in the wrong game I'd have thought?

1-0 Dissensus!

It was an extraordinarily stupid post by him - only gets people's backs up, people who might actually like your music. Some people can't be helped. Mind you, seems to work for Zomby, but he's more talented.
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Evenly Distributed
pointless him having twitter though, all he fucking goes on about is football the boring cunt

Not directing this at Scuba, but some producers would be better off leaving Twitter well alone (or simply going private).

Naturally, there's the argument for promotional use and keeping track of what's happening in your social/musical circle, but some of the personal stream of consciousness banalities I've seen posted by the more narcissistic button-pushers are as vapid and juvenile as the undignified guff you'd expect to see attributed to a pouty 15 year old virgin.

I struggle with this climate of maximum exposure. I'd be happier not knowing a fucking thing about some of my favourite artists. Indeed, I actively avoid introductions or finding out too much about some of them these days, for fear their stupidity might interfere with my love of their music.


Bring out the vacuum
paul rose used to come around here quite a bit.
He still does, just doesn't post.

Every now and then I have to admit I check in on his profile to see if he's still reading... like after someone complained his music had gone awry since he'd moved to Berlin.

Anyway, have been listening to these two free tracks of his a bit. Really like the first.

The latter only just came out, so haven't really given it much of a chance, but not particularly into it.


i don't understand why anyone would bother reading a forum they spend all day slagging off on twitter. weak tweets; x footballer is shit blahablahblah - walcott is a fucking sack of shite mate, hows that for a footy statement. so put out by his tweets that i'm not bothering with his music anymore.

will be cranking in the boot shed if anyone needs me.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your sacking Phil, at least it means you can get on that summer holiday sooner and top up your tan mate


Darned cockwombles.
Zomby is the 1st person to prove to be the biggest slag on twitter ever. I still love his music, but, Twitter + Him = ...... *eye-roll*

Where was tht magazine interview someone here posted up a while back? I thought he came across as fairly likeable there. Alarmingly enough.


whats likeable about saying "i could be a male model if i wanted to" and claiming to never use an arpeggiator ? what a lying cunt, especially on the first claim..... plus he hasn't made a good tune in a year either.


Darned cockwombles.
possibly...did he say that? My memory is going - don't get old, kids, that's my advice.

Phil, do you have any advice for the kids?


"i’m like well, there’s the fucking song, what are you talking about? I’m not a model…but I could be."

"Have you seen that movie Pi? It’s about this guy who sees numbers in everything. He thinks he’s found an equation that reveals the world’s secrets. It’s intense.
I feel like that. It sounds like my life."

there you go . zomby, walking aronofsky film. what a poor tortured soul.

as far as male modelling goes, i'll take him, if me and him posed naked back to back in attitude/ QX .... i'd definitley get more votes/j/off's... waifish heroinc chic is not very scene anymore. my pecs are.
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