Suggest a Book for the dissensus book club!


Well-known member
Vonnegut on his novel "Player Piano"

"cheerfully ripped off the plot of Brave New World, whose plot had been cheerfully ripped off from Eugene Zamiatin's We."

I wouldnt mind this

Or Kafka's "the castle"..... especially after working for a miniscule affiliate of the Bskyb empire,
K-punk ref
Ive had some great experiences of post code-phone number mis matches etc and similar Beaurocrazy fubar bungling..... anyways.....


Well, I've read a lot of Vonnegut (though not that one) and I've read The Castle although your link made me realise how long ago it was when I did it. Maybe if we wanted to be amibitious we could read two books that are related ie read We and then Player Piano which might give us more to talk about (we've probably all read Brave New World as well) - or is that just more links in the chain that mean that people aren't likely to bother?


thread death
i would like to re-read Player Piano, particularly if it meant connecting it to another text.

I'd also be happy to look at Kafka again, it's been awhile (and I'm currently reading Hunger for the first time and feel the proto-Kafka-ishness grow page by page)

Really, I'm up for whatever.

(just edited out rant about participation in book club:eek:)


"(just edited out rant about participation in book club)"
Shame, you should have left it in.
OK, looks as though, it's you, You and me - no-one else? Tea, Ripley, Crackerjack maybe?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Shame, you should have left it in.
OK, looks as though, it's you, You and me - no-one else? Tea, Ripley, Crackerjack maybe?

I've got to stop reading such fucking massive books! Seriously, out of the last 10 books I've read, I think 7 have been in the 600-900 page range, and one was about 1,400 - I'm just over a third of the way through my current 900 page tome. I'll be well up for doing this when I've finished. Or perhaps I could just start a new one and read them concurrently? Something nice and short would be great!


Well-known member
I'm out for the mo. Sorry DBC (and esp jenks).

Btw, which book did you settle on, just in case i decide to make like Brad Dexter in the Magnificent 7 and charge back in.


"Btw, which book did you settle on, just in case i decide to make like Brad Dexter in the Magnificent 7 and charge back in."
No cast iron decision as yet but it looks like being We and then Piano Player as a kind of dystopian double. Better check before you charge back in I guess or you may be firing in the wrong direction.


thread death
The reason I edited out the rant is because I've already said it all before - the whole bookclub started as Idle responded to my despair at the paucity of literary comment and the inability of Lit threads to sustain a few contributions.

I know we are a particularly dusty corner of this board but sometimes the fact that a pan global forum, such as we are, cannot muster a decent number to discuss a book is pitiful.

We've all got other books to read on our shelves and are in the middle of various reading projects but so far i don't think any of the books has been over 300 pages yet. ( I've recently bought the new Nicola Barker in paperback, it's 800 pages long! It'll have to wait for the holidays (although ...I am on strike next Thursday:slanted:))

Anyway, shall we go for We and Piano Player?


"Anyway, shall we go for We and Piano Player?"
Suits me. Give me a few days to get my hands on it and away we go.

"Or perhaps I could just start a new one and read them concurrently? Something nice and short would be great!"
Why not do that, it's exactly what I will do?


Well-known member
OK - ill order em soon. Ill just finish "Brave New World" first - and im a bit underwhelmed with it to be honest.


Well-known member
I've got to stop reading such fucking massive books! Seriously, out of the last 10 books I've read, I think 7 have been in the 600-900 page range, and one was about 1,400 - I'm just over a third of the way through my current 900 page tome. I'll be well up for doing this when I've finished. Or perhaps I could just start a new one and read them concurrently? Something nice and short would be great!

sorry y'all

i was colossally stupid to think I could take on extra reading while finishing up my dissertation proposal. I'm reading hundreds of pages a day, at this point, until my exam May 12.


Well-known member
Which translation are we going to read??? Personally id be happy to read the Natasha Randall Translation because its the most recent. I think it'd be preferable to all be reading the same text- has anyone bought it yet? If so which version?


"Which translation are we going to read??? Personally id be happy to read the Natasha Randall Translation because its the most recent. I think it'd be preferable to all be reading the same text- has anyone bought it yet? If so which version?"
Um, I was planning to borrow this off a friend actually so the translation is likely to be whichever one he's got - unless you think it's really important.


thread death
I was going to go for the one that was linked to up thread.

We'll survive, it's hardly like we've got to worry about hordes of people quibbling over an adjective!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
sorry y'all

i was colossally stupid to think I could take on extra reading while finishing up my dissertation proposal. I'm reading hundreds of pages a day, at this point, until my exam May 12.

I'm not sure I get you - the only book I've read as part of the Dissensus Book Club (so far) was Austerlitz, the first one! The massive fucking books I've been reading since then have all been entirely self-inflicted. :)


dgaf ngaf cgaf
The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology edited by Dawn Ades

Includes translations of DADA poetry (surprsingly good!) and various texts and manifestos from the Dada journals, including the original DADA journal, plus 391 (Picabia's project), Der Dada, Litterature, Cannibale, Merz... many others. Many of these texts hadn't been translated into English until this book was released two years ago. My only complaint is that you don't really get a sense for the crazy layouts of the journals, but some online libraries have photocopies of the journals if you want to follow along.