I watched every single episode of the sopranos in just over six weeks


That's Frankie Valli there isn't it? It's always a kind of weird post-modern headfuck for me that he in it as a mobster, but at least one point they refer to Frankie Valli himself, the singer I mean, so what world are they in? I conclude that it is an alternative reality, very much like our own obviously, perhaps the same in every way, except that Frankie Valli, whoever he is, can't be that guy, cos that guy is Rusty Millio (I had to look that up). Or am I over thinking things?

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I posted a few then couldn't remember whether WYH had already posted them, so deleted them. I'll try find them again.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I guess he was already knocking on a bit in the first series, which came out well over 20 years ago now.

He was apparently an authentic mobster - or at least, he got arrested quite a lot, did some time too, though not long stretches, I think.