Yeah, but:
Malik was not prosecuted for writing poetry.
White supremacists are regularly jailed for hate speech (though Malik was not).
If Malik was a white supremacist, I seriously doubt that you would describe her as being "slimed" by the Mail, though perhaps your scrupulous fairness extends this far. I also seriously doubt that you would have mentioned her at all, if she was a white supremacist. It would be interesting to be proved wrong, however.
Given your own interest in this case, why do you attack the Mail for its coverage?
As I explained to Tea, I brought her up in this thread because posters herein were engaging in similar activities to the ones that caught the cops' attention: expressing solidarity with those dubbed terrorists, fantasizing about terrorist violence, wishing for the grisly death of world leaders... If this were a story on white supremacists (of which I understand the UK has a good amount -- does the Mail write about their arrests? does Drudge link to those stories?) I would have no reason to post since no one was calling for racial genocide, segregation, racist violence, bad Nazi tattoos, or the like -- if that were the case I wouldn't post here.
As for the sliming, I bolded some of the egregious parts ("British-born Muslim," maybe this is typical journalistic terminology, but it seems to classify her as insufficiently British)... Additionally Noel pointed out the obvious sensationalism of this piece as well as its functions. I understand the U.K. does not have free speech protections as strong as the U.S., so much the pity for you. Apparently in the UK you can be prosecuted for the books you read (sorry, "possess," you apparently can be arrested for just HAVING books -- what about writing them?) and internet posts (oh and having a picture of a gun on her computer -- what sorts of weapons jpgs are filling up your cache I wonder? txt files that tell you how to make a pipe bomb? never looked at those ever?), but don't worry, I'm sure the U.S. won't be far behind. I have supported the ACLU practically categorically, including defense of speech I detest, since I was a teenager, for the reasons I've already stated.