Humourless officious twats run the country: example no. 23, 751


there are no accidents
Who needs sushi when you've got Curry Wurst.

projectile vomit.

Please elaborate :D

let's just say i experienced a shocking level of interpersonal cold-bloodedness and very unpleasant way of dealing with simple misunderstanding; in an episode i will not soon forget, which involved behavior which can only be attributed to total selfishness and a complete lack of "soul"; something i seriously have difficulty to imagine can possibly happen in any other part of the world.

know what my African friend said i should do? "send him some flowers." :D :D :D i just LOVE this. absolute kindness and warmth in the face of hostility, fear and ignorance.
let's just say i experienced a shocking level of interpersonal cold-bloodedness and very unpleasant way of dealing with simple misunderstanding; in an episode i will not soon forget, which involved behavior which can only be attributed to total selfishness and a complete lack of "soul"; something i seriously have difficulty to imagine can possibly happen in any other part of the world.

Just asking because it's alway interesting to hear new "typical german" characteristcs other people see in us. I hope not everybody here treats you like that.


there are no accidents
i of course do not judge all germans by the actions of this one sad and insecure little man.

after all, of all the cities in the world, part of the reason i chose berlin is because of my long running admiration for the teutonic not only culture, but also character: straight forward, logical, honest, loyal...