TDPOF - may 5th - LDN - E1 - heatwave, hanuman, wtc, rekordah, dubsola

hello hello - sometimes cheerful often scruffy pub seeks listeners, dancers for sunny bank holiday evening. all welcome.


mos dan

fact music
chris, paul, you met each other across a table covered in quail last week.. maybe you already know this, maybe not.

anyway this night will be good fun, it always is! slowmo skanking, candles and eccentric bar staff.


chris, paul, you met each other across a table covered in quail last week.. maybe you already know this, maybe not.

anyway this night will be good fun, it always is! slowmo skanking, candles and eccentric bar staff.

All becomes clear! Though you do make it sound like we were at some kind of Ancient Roman feast.

Would love to come to this, but have a mate's birthday to go to. Really like The George as a venue.