
there are no accidents

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Now THAT'S magic.

Edit: everyone needs to see this...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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more issues than Time mag
Now THAT'S magic.

Edit: everyone needs to see this...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

This must have come out around the time Tron did, or you know, appropriately late and slightly off-trend like most religious pop cultural stuff does. I love how fundamentalists like to feel in the loop, too, but they can't allow themselves to watch icky "secular" movies with questionable themes like virtual reality in them with the rest of us. So they rewrite the script to make it holier and just keep the cool grafix. And haircuts.

They're nuts if they think they can top this, tho:

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Well-known member
um, wow. when i was 12 i was more or less handed off to/kidnapped by my extended family, most of whom are southern baptists of the snake-handling, tongue-speaking variety, and that day they were taking part in a large christian booksellers convention. guess who was forced to dress up in the FULL FOAM COSTUME as bibleman and made to walk around the convention center? yup, me.


more issues than Time mag
um, wow. when i was 12 i was more or less handed off to/kidnapped by my extended family, most of whom are southern baptists of the snake-handling, tongue-speaking variety, and that day they were taking part in a large christian booksellers convention. guess who was forced to dress up in the FULL FOAM COSTUME as bibleman and made to walk around the convention center? yup, me.

Ooooh southern baptists! They make the women wear like old timey prairie clothes and stuff. There was this girl I liked when I was 13 or so who went to a baptist church, so I would go to her youth group and bible drill with her.

After a couple of years of this awesome fun, Jesus sent a tractor trailer careening into her car door at 50 miles per hour and she shattered just about every bone in her body and sustained a massive brain injury. She survived and pretended to remember who I was but I knew she didn't. She also had random fits of rage from the head injury. And a wheelchair and neckbrace.


Bibleman is waaaaaayyyy newer than tron, nearly 2 decades. Its more power rangers inspired than anything else.

Not that this in any way subtracts from its awesomeness.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Bibleman is waaaaaayyyy newer than tron, nearly 2 decades. Its more power rangers inspired than anything else.

Not that this in any way subtracts from its awesomeness.

Yes, I think it's a recent/current thing. Power-and-Glory Rangers, perhaps?


1996 according to wiki... sporadic episodes until 2000 or so when it hit its stride.


We never got anything as good as Bibleman at my Catholic primary. We got some unitentionally hilarious VHS tape of Brian Blessed playing some apostle or other, bellowing "WHY GOD?! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!?" I remember being one of the last in the canteen one lunchtime and shouting "WHY WAS I TOO LATE TO GET A CHOCOLATE MOUSSE AND NOW I HAVE TO HAVE AN ORANGE INSTEAD?!?! WHY GOD... WHY?!? OH THE HUMANITY!!" before being bollocked by the headmaster.


more issues than Time mag
Wait...are you guys saying that Bibleman was actually on TV in your country? In 2000, no less?

Holy. shit.

Over here you'd definitely have to get something like that on direct-to-DVD at Walmart.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Wait...are you guys saying that Bibleman was actually on TV in your country? In 2000, no less?

Oh sweet Jesus no (ahem) - droid said he'd looked it up on Wikipedia.

I can't imagine that show being aired in any other country than the US of A to be honest. It's the brand of Christianity that starts to make Catholicism look sane and reasonable by contrast, FFS.


more issues than Time mag
Oh sweet Jesus no (ahem) - droid said he'd looked it up on Wikipedia.

Ok I didn't think so. But it was never even a TV series here (never heard of it till just now) it's just one of those weird cult VHS thingies, I think.

Although CBN has some pretty amazing programming.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
most of whom are southern baptists of the snake-handling, tongue-speaking variety

an old friend of mine was a child preacher growing up in the middle of nowhere in West Virginia. he was tapped as a prodigy when he was like 5 or 6. dunno about the snakes but definitely tongue-speaking & all that. when I knew him he'd become a full on anarchopunk dude, no gods no masters & all that, but for laughs he used to best out into a full-on hellfire & brimstone sermon every once in awhile like at party or something. it used to spook the hell out of people who'd never seen it before. I reckon a lot of it was just public speaking tricks - projecting & pitching your voice, facial expressions & body language, etc. - but damned if it wasn't captivating all the same.


"That's your truth..." has become a running gag with me and my friends. Useful when anyone says something that's obviously bullshit or a bit mental.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
As much as I appreciate FSM humour, I am slightly disturbed by how much His Holy Noodliness resembles a pair of testes, complete with epididymis...


more issues than Time mag
As much as I appreciate FSM humour, I am slightly disturbed by how much His Holy Noodliness resembles a pair of testes, complete with epididymis...

Yes, that is a reference to how His Holiness has bigger balls than Yahweh.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, while having existed in secrecy for hundreds of years, only recently came into the mainstream when this letter was published in May 2005.

With millions, if not thousands, of devout worshippers, the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents – mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs.

Some claim that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. These people are mistaken. The Church of FSM is real, totally legit, and backed by hard science. Anything that comes across as humor or satire is purely coincidental.
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Well-known member
Except that atheism is concerned with the same area of things as religion is and those other examples aren't so much.

In any case, Christians only have to believe in the existence of one god whereas atheists have to believe in the non-existence of countless deities, therefore atheism is the more religious and faith based belief system. :)
