He had this big rivalry with this guy Sumon that he'd nicked the phone from. He came round moaning one time "Everyone thinks Sumon is a nice guy but he phoned BT and got them to cancel my number just to fuck me" - I wad thinking yeah but you stole it off him in the first place.
Yeah but that was kinda how it always worked. You would have a guy with contacts and he would drive around with a car full of stoned Bangladeshis, each holding as much as they could in their mouth so they could swallow it if they got busted.
The main guy would get lazier and lazier and stay at home more and more delegating to his deputy. Then one day the deputy will nick all the numbers and text everyone going "Hey this is Jay's new number delete the old one" and they would become sort of friendly rivals, sometimes even sharing the same crew.
Though with Ali and Sumon one of them got hold of the other and gave him a proper shoeing at some point. I forget which way round.
ain't the thing with crack that it hits very hard and quick and soon after you will want to smoke another bit? that's always what the people in documentaries say and what makes it so dangerous?I've never shot anything, never will.
Often didn't meet her standardsoh yeah i didn't think about making it yourself, i thought most people would by it pre-cooked
That's interesting, since I once made myself a very small amount of crack (from probably a third of a gram of coke, something like that) and smoked it, and while it certainly worked in the sense of having an effect - numb face, racing heart - I didn't really get anything in the way of euphoria. Whereas I'd been expecting this amazing high that I'd want to replicate straight away.Yeah it's exactly that. Though strangely enough the first few times it doesn't seen to work. I thought that was just me but I've read about it several times since then. First few times you're going what's all the fuss about, two weeks later you're stealing your mum's jewellery.