Alfred Adler


Well-known member
Psychoanalysis has been critiqued in this way from the start. As a way to force the individual to conform with the ideological conditions of the society they belong to. Adapt to reality principle. Abandon fantasy etc. You have life-tasks you must fulfil so find the means to do so, and discard habits and behaviours and beliefs which prevent this.
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These are all difficult fundamental problems and we all have to solve them for ourselves. The relationship of self to society and self to other and self to self. What we value and what compromises we are willing to make.


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To reduce it down to the essentials
If you defy god you will be maimed possibly destroyed. Should you do it anyway?

Or as I put it in my famous book 'The Feed'
praise or withold praise till worthy of praise


Well-known member
Someone posted a really good piece of writing here called Creep which is concerned with these basic themes

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Nobody wants to be a pathetic loser of course. But there's a kind of very reductive way of looking at these things which leads into the kind of craven and cowardly submission to the dominant ideology Stan is always advocating. If you can't em, join em.
Cheeky, tucking that video underneath your heretical claims about me.

Did you read any of that colony/woods/taboo-site post?

The key thing here is that the dominant ideology is dominant not necessarily because its evaluation of shared reality is more correct than other ideologies, but because it proves to be more conducive to constructing higher order immaterial/abstract machines. These higher order forces could perhaps be gods relative to us, but they still seem far from such a status, in absolute terms.

One of the problems is even detecting the forces that prevail across particularity, rather than merely the forces whose prevalence is contingent upon particular conditions. I don't claim to be good enough at this - I still have much of our history to become familiar with.
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As far as I can tell you are advocating a Nazi takeover of the planet. That's all I've managed to work out so far.


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ok. i don't think it's realistic to demand people read this whole book :p

so as requested... my precis:

0) humans are, in darwinian terms weak (in the sense that animals like octopuses and albatrosses can survive alone without social conditions). we need to cultivate what adler calls "social feeling" because we need to work collaboratively to survive and thrive.

1) childhood shapes us as a result of (a) our physical robustness - which deficiency adler calls organ deficency - our physical disabilities (b) the care taken by our parents to raise us. the parents of someone born in poverty will not necessarily have access to the same levels of care. (fwiw he's a socialist - but quiet about it)

2) everyone has a "will to power" - which forms from our adaptation from being powerless children to adults (we can call this simply ego formation)

3) people with organ deficency or bad childhoods have a pathological "will-to-power"

4) an unhealthy "will-to-power" which i would qualify in terms of inflation and depression is characterised by behaviour which is lacking or bereft of "social feeling" - this is an argument about the pathogenic nature of bad behaviour ("we are all miserable sinners")

5) the best way to deal with our own and others distorted "will-to-power" is to understand human nature - to see how ours and other people's "will-to-power" can become deranged. basically we all need to understand psychology - and parents especially need to help their children to understand human nature.


although it focuses exclusively on the ego it does so with, i think, a latent mysticism. this social order is, essentially, a divine emanation which we ignore at our peril. also lots of possible other ramifications with regards to diet and the ecology.


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We might read it at some point! But in the mean time we needed something to chat about.


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his social order is, essentially, a divine emanation which we ignore at our peril.

This is what me and our Nazi member Stan were discussing


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It's really interesting it goes to the heart of a lot of the discussions we have been having here. In my view we have to lift ourselfes out of some of the lower order conditioning mechanisms of that system


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Or you are only fit to be a guard dog in the Republic and not a philosopher King.


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But these systems are nested in a sense and you need to keep climbing out of one and into the next one.


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but what do you do with all the people trapped in 'lower order circuitry'? or what you perceive to be the lower order circuits?

i'm sure on the RAW i've been listening to recently he quotes someone as saying that no one will ever be fully happy unless everyone is and it's perceivable