
or the american blend of anti-american culture has worked its way into the reserve. see european student protests mirroring the american despite an incongruent set of systemic issues. though globalism could come to make the whole premise of the question obsolete.
maybe the increase in general interest of, say, eastern culture could be representative of some lessening in total american cultural cache, but Im not sure thats too different from exotica.
This is interesting two-fold for me cos... on the one hand I do see a huge lessening of US soft power, over my lifetime the appeal of stuff from the US relative to that from all other countries appears to have lessened palpably. I mean dramatically.
But on the other hand, it was weird, I went on the BLM marches in Lisbon and it was weird to see how they did mirror the US ones so much. Same slogans and stuff, and a lot of it felt odd because it didn't seem totally appropriate. Walking past the police station and shouting all this stuff that specifically referred to certain incidents in the US - I dunno, I felt a little for some fat donut eater being blamed for the death of a guy in another country. It's not that the Portuguese police are beyond reproach, or anything like, it's just that importing US protests lock, stock and barrel wasn't the right way to go about it.


It's interesting this conversation about the artworld being messily, militantly anti-oppression is coming up again about New York as if it's the first time, with me arguing for this phenomenon as if from scratch. When it clearly happened with Goldsmiths and has been talked about here before, on this very forum.


I’ve been on a kick of posting things that will get me properly cancelled, so I may as well say that on formal grounds, Hitler had one of the most impressive and iconic graphic identity programs of the 20th century.
Often remarked on I guess.
It's often hard to define a difference between art and design. Perhaps towards one here - remove someone's soul and they can still make good design but have no chance of touching art.


What happened at goldsmiths?

Stuff discussed in the josef k thread. The anti-LD50 rallies and targeted harassment campaigns + physical violence by Goldsmith students, the deplatforming of slightly un-PC lefties like Daniel Keller, the de-platforming of Deanna Havas and other non-left artists, etc. When one of the biggest art schools in the world is officially programming political rallies trying to shut down the only reactionary gallery in London (possibly the only in any major Western city), it's hardly controversial to say that there's a dominant ideology, ye?



Well-known member
woops is good friends with all the LD50 crew. He says they're just gormless provocateurs which I can easily believe.


Well-known member
Dressed for yardwork at the moment. Jeans, boots, long sleeve white t shirt, gloves on carabiner hooked to belt loop, flannel pending on wind strength. I also have a buff over my head in the manner of a durag, cause I'm working underneath bushes and trees, on all fours, and otherwise leaves and dirt would get in my hair.

Stan's part of the Four Seasons Landscaping conspiracy.